Greye – “Windows”

Greye – “Windows” – Single Review
OH YES. This shall pass. Even Gandalf himself would let this song through.
Greye – you had me from the get-go…the instant groove that starts up their latest single/title-track from their latest record Windows is right up my alley and the volume is now right up on my speakers as a result. Put it to you this way…the first impression absolutely SMACKS ya…you can hear the musicianship, passion and insightful combination of style, sound & skills that’ll lead to a band that has a long & bright future ahead of them. You can hear it right away…it’s instantaneous on “Windows.”
And then like…I decided to do my usual poking around and start checking out social media and all that…and I end up at the official website, which has their song “Lesson In Love” playing immediately as you enter the site – and the confirmation of this band’s talent was absolutely there. I was already digging on “Windows” – but it was hearing that second tune that I knew without a doubt, we’ve got something special here with Greye as a band on the whole. Their progressive-indie writing seriously hits the spot from the impressive instrumentation to the strength in the vocals and the genuine passion that they’re working with. As far as lead-singles are concerned…they’ve chosen wisely here with “Windows.”
I mean…DAMN this is good! If I wasn’t already sold on the hot way they play this one through the verse & chorus, the guitar-solos or crispness to the drums might have just carried the song on their own. Or how about those lively bass-lines…or the bold vocals from lead-singer Hannah Summer? I have to admit…Greye’s got my head spinning a bit…I’m really not quite sure where to even begin just how much I’m loving what I hear from this band. I was raised on both progressive music and progressive ideas – Greye has incorporated both these elements into their writing and in today’s world, they’re making a classic sound become seriously cool again. They mention influences on their social media like Traffic, John Butler, Steely Dan and Alex Lifeson…all heroes, musicians & bands that have made an impact on the progressive-music scene…and I have a feeling over the next decade to follow, new bands out there will be adding Greye to that list of influences after being inspired by this crew’s own stunning ideas, approach and sound. The music of Greye makes an instant impact; in the case of “Windows,” the rhythm & groove spring to life…excellent subtle-keys, really impressive drums and in general, about as perfect as you could ask for when it comes to the writing, musicianship and uniqueness you wanna hear. The TONE on those guitars! SO GOOD! Lyrically, really well done & when combined with the expressive nature of Summer’s fearless & confident approach – you can absolutely hear this band will go places. There’s precious little I’d change here…maybe a bit more salt & pepper on the backing vocals when they’re trading spots with the lead in the chorus…but I’m honestly not sure if that one falls to performance or production…could be a slight volume adjustment that would make it all sit where it needs to or a slightly different attack/approach to the parts there. In any event…the idea is completely intact and absolutely shines through…any adjustments would be extremely minor at best…for 99.9% of this tune, Greye is fully in control and rocking “Windows” in all the ways they should be.
I’m a bit mad at them just for the fact that you simply don’t get this much meat on the bone in other bands…hearing the creativity, style and skill here on “Windows” is really going to make me notice just how many other bands out there don’t have the ‘it’ factor that Greye has. Their writing style, stunning execution and brilliant ideas on “Windows” are pure enjoyment to the ears…and the talented musicianship this band possesses allows them to really explore their sound to the fullest. People are going to dig this…I have zero doubt about that…and I think the best thing that Greye has working in their favor perhaps, is that they’ve really tapped into an inter-generational sound that has an absolutely SICK amount of widespread appeal. I’d never want to give a progressive-anything band the impression that they’ll take over the mainstream…because that’s just not a documented part of our music history or generally a style of music that people really ‘get’ – but they’ve certainly rolled out the welcome mat as invitingly as they possibly can on “Windows” to bring you on into the party. I think that mix of the roots of classic-rock, Americana and their own honest, indie style is going to seriously appeal to people’s ears – certainly on a record…but if my suspicions are correct, ABSOLUTELY live.
And GUESS WHAT? You’ll get that opportunity…because Greye is playing it smart and taking this show on the road, direct to the people through July & August this year. Believe me…if they ever come to Canada, I’ll be first in line to check this out…this music sounds great on the recording, but you can tell that these songs they’re writing are designed to become even more entertaining when played LIVE right in front of you. I’m super stoked about Greye…I think they’ve really tapped into a vein that’s got a lot of life in it and put themselves in a real position to fill a massive vacancy that exists between the generations of music’s history that will lead them solidly to a successful career.
There’s definitely something special started here in Greye…and my ears have already been given every reason to believe in this band. I have all the confidence in the world that as great as they sound already, they’re still going to get better and better – and with the amount of sheer accessibility in their sound, they’ll always have a place to play. The world is their oyster, as they say…Greye’s got the goods.
Find out more about Greye at their official homepage at:
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