Greg Norton – “Echoes”

Greg Norton – “Echoes” – Single Review
Yeah! I’d say I’m happy with this song, and I feel like good ol’ Greg should be too.
I mean…if there’s something about it that he could have done better, I feel like that’s eluding me. I think there’s a fair argument to be made that he’s not necessarily recreating the wheel with this new single, but that’s about the most I’d concede to ya. If we’re talking about execution, you have to look at “Echoes” as the genuine achievement that it is…Norton’s essentially got himself a flawless tune here.
Ever made one yourself? Well…there ya have it & there’s your answer. Even many of the most seasoned veterans of the scene don’t often feel like they’ve made a tune without any mistakes in it, and it’s very possible that even Greg himself knows of some slight something in “Echoes” that he’d possibly wanna change…maybe. As far as our ears are concerned, if there’s something off or amiss to be found in “Echoes” it’d take a big ol’ magnifying glass and a couple of very staunch detectives to track it down. And so yes…in my opinion, Greg should be remarkably proud of what he’s accomplished on this single.
Does that leave him any room to grow, expand his craft, and evolve further? Sure! We all have that kickin’ around somewhere. Don’t get it twisted & don’t get me wrong – thematically, I think Greg’s workin’ with a genuinely strong concept on “Echoes,” and I really like that it’s got me thinking about the past & the present and the imprint that people can make on our memories. Honestly, I think it’s highly relatable stuff if you live all up in your head like I tend to…I can think of people that I haven’t seen in years and years & still truly feel their “Echoes” and the ripple effect they’ve had on me, like they’re still right here beside me after all this time. Does that mean I love absolutely every single line of the lyricism in this single? Not really, no – but I’ll be real with ya, Norton’s not ever too far off the mark whatsoever. For the vast majority of what I hear on this cut, his words are stellar, accurate, evocative, and as vivid as the idea behind the song itself…you can certainly see a lot of what he’s singing about in your mind as he’s singin’ it. Even the lines I feel like I might have been inclined to change…in those few instances you might find in this song if you’re really examining this song under a microscope, they’re still effective lines, but probably similar to a few tunes you’ve heard in other places along the way. Ain’t no shame in that game – it’s pretty tough to be altogether new under the best of circumstances – so we kind of have to push past the desire for that, and understand that almost every artist & band you’ll ever listen to will at some point in time, bear some kind of resemblance to someone else out there. You could look at the songwriting of “Echoes” and probably make comparisons to tunes you’ve heard in hybrid bands like Fuel, Tonic, Black Lab, Three Doors Down, Brother Cane…you know what I’m talkin’ about…genre-twisting tunes that have intense melodies with deep meanings, and a gritty edge to the sound that borders on Hard Rock without quite tipping too far into it, still able to give you and your ears a little more variety & diversity through bold soulful Blues harmonies, a slight hint of Country influence underneath the surface, with smoldering Alternative vibes.
I’m not really all that concerned about any minimal piece of a song like this that might remind any of us slightly of something else – I’m much more stoked about how much you can hear is going right for Greg. He’s got that brooding & moody sound dialed right in here…you get that sense of the emotional storm & turmoil that can often dominate our thoughts…”Echoes” has real teeth to it as a result of the way that it has been performed. You feel the crushing weight of the scenario…Norton’s clearly got the ability & gift to ‘take us there’ as listeners, so that we can see & feel things from his perspective. Believe me when I tell ya folks, you can’t actually achieve that without playing with passion, purpose, and real intention. You can feel how Greg plays with a very deliberate approach, and ultimately, I’m definitely in the camp that thinks that kind of stuff not only matters, but it can turn a really good song right into a great one. In short, we don’t need everything we hear to be completely new all the time…and that’d be one heck of a lofty goal anyhow. What we really wanna hear is conviction and commitment when an artist or band steps up with a brand-new single…and I felt like Greg Norton revealed boatloads of both of those elements throughout “Echoes” from start to finish. I mean…for real y’all…make sure you’re listening to the way he switches things up so confidently heading into the main hooks of “Echoes” – that’s powerful stuff all-around, designed to seriously engage our senses. Solidly robust sound with great definition, excellent mix & production to give it that professionalism you wanna hear, vocals and instrumentation all on-point & right where you wanna hear the rise & fall of where its gentle melody meets the most intense moments…I’m certainly not gonna be the guy to complain about such a seamless single y’all, and I don’t feel like any of you will be inclined to do so either. It’s been nearly a year since Greg released his previous single “How Do I Live” in the summer of 2022…“Echoes” proves that he’s not only back with strong material, but sounds like he’s returned with purpose, and setting up for a groundbreaking 2023.
Find out more about Greg Norton from his official website at:
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