Glass Cases – “Chemicals”

 Glass Cases – “Chemicals”

I’m just doing my best here with a brain that switches to first gear…”  #mandoIfeelthatorwhat!

Are they allowed to break all these rules at once and just get away with being this addictive?  Glass Cases is onto something special here by not doing anything in a remotely typical way, and latching straight onto a new degree of artistic accessibility within an Alt/Pop sound people are seriously going to LOVE.  From the clever use of timing, to the genetic makeup of the band’s DNA itself and the uniqueness established in their combination of instruments & talent, to the absolutely STELLAR hooks they’ve got beaming out of their latest single “Chemicals” – it’s more than clear that Glass Cases have an incredibly tangible magic that is guaranteed to be well worth your time.  The gloriously uplifting vibes soaring throughout this single will have zero issues connecting with the hearts & minds listening out there – and this shiny new video they’ve got to support it, expertly shot & edited by Harwell Productions, should certainly help in contining to propel this three-piece band through the speakers & screens of music-fans found all over the globe, in addition to picking up a whole bunch of new ones in the process.  Single-worthy and stand-out in every conceivable way – Glass Cases have just landed permanently on our playlists & on our radar from this day forward after experiencing this new single of theirs – “Chemicals” is absolutely the kind of gateway tune that’s bound to lead us all into a catalog of awesomeness and a career filled with music over the years to follow – they sound right at the top of their game and 100% fantastic on this new tune.  They might have run outta gas in the video, but they’ve got a ton in the tank overall – fuel yourself up with inspired sound & check out “Chemicals” from Glass Cases below!

Find out more about Glass Cases from their official website at:

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"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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