Germaine D’Rosario – “Angel”

Germaine D’Rosario – “Angel” – Single Review
You know what they say, ‘new do, new you!’
You might notice that Germaine’s rocking a hairdo much, much different than the last time we reviewed her music, back in 2016, when we checked out a handful of singles she’d done that played to the strengths of her classically-trained soprano vocals in a more opera & theater-esque atmosphere. Flash forward to 2018, Germaine D’Rosario is approaching her music with a completely fresh perspective.
And honestly? I couldn’t be more excited for her than I am right now.
Don’t get me wrong – I had plenty of love for what Germaine was doing with her music before…and quite truthfully, she could have gone on for years in the same mode and undoubtedly found all the success she’d be looking for. BUT! A real artist is almost never satisfied, know what I mean? Soon enough, somewhere in between the last time we listened and now hearing her brand-new single “Angel” coming out officially on January 19th this year – Germaine made a conscious choice to break completely out of her shell and push herself to an all-new level creatively, essentially reinventing herself all over again. With a combination of real and electro instrumentation, stellar production, and her own amazing natural talent on the microphone, Germaine is absolutely stunning on “Angel.”
There is just something so immensely satisfying about listening to an artist find the place they belong.
I’m not just satisfied with “Angel” – I’m ecstatic about it! And not just because it’s a great song – but because this new beginning for Germaine’s music sounds so incredibly fitting for her and you can hear the potential of where this exciting chapter in her journey in sound might take her over time. The atmosphere in the opening of “Angel” just flows GORGEOUSLY and soon after, Germaine comes out sounding crystal-clear and absolutely breathtaking. Keep in mind in the early-stages of “Angel,” she’s really focused on her tone & delivery with the professional grace and angelic sound you’d expect from anything Germaine would sing, not necessarily relying on what she does best in this new environment so much as you can hear how well she’s adapting to it & thriving in it as the song plays on. The tender, gentle and innocent sounds of the beginning of “Angel” don’t even give you a hint about the heights that she is about to soar off into, making her new single, direction, and style one of the biggest highlights & surprises at the beginning of the new year. No two ways about it though – Germaine sounds absolutely beautiful as her voice moves fluidly through the expressions and words on “Angel.”
Around the two-minute mark, you hear the music slowly start to build…the guitars come in shortly after to complement the ever-present & fantastic string sounds. A subtle beat that grows…some clever twinkling keys…and soon enough, we have lift-off. Germaine proves she can hang with the best of the best and is absolutely CRUSHING it with an otherworldly & extraordinary performance. You can hear the difference the switch in her style has made to her confidence and how an environment like this affords her the true freedom required for her to really ‘go for it’ and make those big notes memorable. The way that she can fill up a room with her vocals is absolutely AWESOME; like…I’m beyond-impressed with this transformation she’s made and just how unbelievably well-suited she is for this style of music. Never a reason to doubt her…I’ve known she was incredible for at least a couple years…but this…WOW.
Truly, this is an accomplishment that Germaine should be immensely proud of and a complete confirmation that she’s 100% on the right path…one that she can now define entirely however she wants to. There’s a ton of freedom for her to explore these new ideas in her music and a ton of people out there that sincerely love this kind of sound…she hasn’t just cracked open the door of opportunity and accessibility here – she’s blown the door off the hinges and put herself in the position of heading any direction she likes from here.
The breakdown & bring-back of “Angel” provides even further highlights towards the end as the guitar comes alive in the background along with the backing vocals. As the song fades-out, you get a better glimpse of the electro-elements that have been contributing to the mix and “Angel” ends like it has two climaxes in the one song; the way it evolves and moves is spot-on…the writing is perfection.
But no matter how good, great or amazing any one element of the song might be – there’s nothing that can be done to outshine Germaine D’Rosario and her performance on “Angel.” I really believe you can hear from the emotion, expression, confidence and power in her voice that she KNOWS beyond a shadow of a doubt that she’s making the best move for her music that she could have possibly made. She’s found herself to the exact place where she belongs…and “Angel” is a perfect example of what finding that inspiring creative spark that redefines an artist’s path truly sounds like.
Find out more about Germaine D’Rosario at her official homepage at:
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