Follow The Buzzards – “What You Want”

Follow The Buzzards – “What You Want” – Single Review
I’m drinkin’ the Kool-aid today folks, don’t mind me…
Praise the lord & pass the ammo, Follow The Buzzards are amped-up & ready to ROCK with a brand-new single called “What You Want,” full video support to go along with it, a recent new deal with pro-label Mugen Music now backing them up as they continue to crush their way to the top of the charts, and a well-earned reputation for going no holds barred when it comes time to plug in & handle their business.
You can hear the inspired menace of Tiffany Oliver’s bass spark the mischief, and within what seems like mere seconds later, that same spark becomes a full-on unstoppable blaze of frantic energy and non-stop Rock comin’ atcha. Brian Simpson is clearly a beast on the kit, Justin Hamlin slays on the axe, and singer/guitarist/front-man Aaron W Lowther keeps the entertainment flowin’ at a scorchin’ hot pace as these four players combine to get loud proudly. No joke y’all – you could have your stereo volume set at its minimum, and Follow The Buzzards would likely still come out strong enough to rattle the walls of your nearby neighbors! And the more you look into them, the more you find out that real Rock is what this band is all about, right to its core, from the moment they get up til the sandman comes to claim’em all over again. They’ve got that perfect combination of insightful perspective mixed with bone-cutting sarcasm/dry humor that is always capable of getting the people out there talking for one reason or another…you can see it in the brilliant execution of their new video for “What You Want,” but you’ll see this crew has the genuine attitude you wanna find with a Rock band that has a sound as big, bold, and unapologetic as theirs is from their social media posts/self-descriptions of what they do as well. I’m tellin’ ya they eat, sleep, & breathe Rock’n’Roll; it’s in their DNA – follow The Buzzards are the real deal.
So…lots to love about what they’ve put together for ya in this new slice of audio/visual awesomeness. For those of you out there wondering about the sound itself, when it comes to his particular single, you’ll undoubtedly hear the influence of The Kinks at work…you’ll find that Follow The Buzzards fit in somewhere between them & a more updated spin on the same kind of energy, like in the Foo Fighters. All comparisons aside, Follow The Buzzards are confidently doin’ their own thang – and you’ll hear them scorch their way through “What You Want” with all the pure power, sweat, and stellar instrumentation you wanna hear in a single-worthy Rock song. When it comes to the video, you’ll find that this band has gone even further to tie-in the music to the visuals in an extremely clever way, going straight to the ACTUAL pulpit(s) to preach the good word direct to the people. I put pulpits as a potential plural, because if there are two places I know of that people tend to pray, it’s at a real church like the one Follow The Buzzards filmed this video at, in the Stone Church of Tulsa, OK, and the other would be the Almighty Television, of course – so I felt they both applied, and you’ll certainly find that both settings play a significant starring role in this short & electrified experience this band has cooked up for ya. They have left a bit of ambiguity in the mix for ya in terms of what exactly this whole cult thing onscreen is all about – but you’ll notice in the description that comes posted with the video that the point Follow The Buzzards are trying to make has a lot more relevance to the right here & now than you might assume. I’m not here to give it all away folks – I’m here to entice ya in with a piece of info here & there that sparks your interest…and I reckon at least some of what I said should have done that by now right? Check out what Follow The Buzzards are capable of as they blaze their way through this new single and convert a few more of you out there into faithful followers – click on the “What You Want” video below!
Only thirteen easy payments of $99.95 to save what fragments are left of my soul? This band had me at hello…suckers they are though, I would have easily paid fourteen & a half payments of $99.95; in my opinion, they’re leaving a bit of money on the table still, know what I mean? Us music-cult people are pretty damn devout, have deep(ish) pockets, and are always willing to fork over the dough to get a lil’ bit of that sweet-sweet soul into heaven or wherever TF it goes next…so yeah, run my CC Follow The Buzzards…if I haven’t spent it all on legal weed & records, I’d like to book myself a seat in the front row to your show in the afterworld. I mean, I’m assuming you’ll be there somewhere with us – right? Right?
All kidding aside – you can see the effort, you can hear it as well – and good gravy-boat lighthouse this band can ROCK with the best of’em! They’ve not only got the chops, but they really have the right approach goin’ on as well…you can tell they’ve definitely found the spaces to work in some genuine fun, in addition to finding countless ways to keep us all entertained with the spirit & sound of real rock, without letting their professional execution get in the way of that raw, electric vibe you wanna connect to. And that’s the real magic in Follow The Buzzards folks; this is a seriously tight band with balanced strengths across the board – they’ve got way more control over this live-wire sound than they’ll ever let you realize, and the results will have you turning tracks like “What You Want” straight UP, where real Rock music belongs.
While I never confirm rumors, I’m still more than happy to spread them when it comes to what we do here. Word on the street is that sleepingbagstudios is currently in the process of filming a new video-interview to be sent out to Follow The Buzzards in the near future just around the corner here…keep your fingers crossed that we ask’em a question or two worth their time to respond! We’ll do our best as always…keep your eyes on these pages of ours, you might just see’em showing up on an episode of our show SBS Live This Week real soonlike. This band is blowin’ up what’s left of 2020! I’ll Follow The Buzzards right down the rabbit-hole & back again…& if you love Rock, I highly suggest you do the same.
Find out more about Follow The Buzzards at their official homepage at:
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