Flame Of Life – “Your Cave”

Flame Of Life – “Your Cave” – Single Review
Lazer? As a genre? Huh?
I tell ya folks…every time I think I’ve heard every style of music and sub-genre under the sun, someone comes along to say ‘hold my beer’ and tosses out a new name for something they’ve created. So as far as I’m concerned, if Flame Of Life wants to consider their music to be ‘Lazer’ as they say, then so be it – who would I be to stop’em from labeling their sound as that, or any of you from doing what you wanna do for that matter? Ain’t no rules in the art of freedom of expression the last I recollect – have at it y’all.
As far as what we’ve actually got here in terms of sound…that’s a whole other matter. I could go with the hundreds of positive one-word comments that have been pouring in for their new single “Your Cave,” or I could be realistic and remember that I’m in promotions and know exactly how the machine works – which one would you like Flame Of Life? Unfortunately, real & honest commentary is the only thing I know how to do dear readers, dear friends…the main reason being, it’s the only thing that’s actually beneficial to the artists & bands I choose to review…anything less than that would be totally disrespectful.
So…I have no real choice but to tell Flame Of Life that this ain’t gonna cut it with the majority of the masses out there, that’s simply objective reality. Having said that, there IS an audience for just about everything out there somewhere, so if there are people that connect with what they’re creating, then credit where credit is due and congratulations for finding your audience Flame Of Life. I’ll fully admit that I listened to “Your Cave” and instantly thought to myself, what in the all-hell did I just experience? Maybe other people out there are like, YES – THAT’S MY JAM – TURN THIS UP AS LOUD AS IT CAN GO – and if that’s YOU, no judgments here man…you do you, I’ll do me, people like what they like & love what they love and that’s what makes the whole world keep on turnin.’ I’m just not hearing where the effort is or what the reason to return would be…again, maybe that’s just me – I’ve got nothing else but to be responsible to the people reading these pages of ours and the various bands & artists making the music to report back on what I’m hearing as honestly & straightforward as I can. “Your Cave” ain’t gonna be the track to go flying up to the top spots on charts & playlists in the mainstream or even in the wild west of the underground scene any time soon – it’s just not the kind of sound that people generally respond to. It wouldn’t do anything for my ability to help them if I didn’t point that out, or my overall credibility to tell them anything otherwise.
If Flame Of Life doesn’t like what I have to say, again, so be it – that’s the life of a real music-critic y’all – we’re not here to make friends, we’re mainly here to tell you what we genuinely think, pass or fail. I don’t often get too critical or dwell on the negative if I can avoid it…but whatever this is…this, ‘Lazer’ music we’ve got here from Flame Of Life on “Your Cave” is, it’s a literally back to the drawing board type of situation, and there’s no way that I can call it anything else. Believe me when I tell ya, I want nothing but to be able to support each and every one of you that comes my way and encourage the creative community as best I can…but I can’t tell Flame Of Life anything that’s not true, or that they don’t in fact already know. You don’t make tracks like “Your Cave” without completely understanding how many millions of obstacles are in between a sound/style like this and the average everyday listener – it just doesn’t happen. So yes, they absolutely know all about that already, and they’re making a conscious choice. Ain’t much I can do about that y’all…and if they’re making the music they truly love and that they’d willingly listen to themselves, then right ON – keep on doin’ exactly what you’re doing, and the people that actually ‘get it’ will find you eventually over time. As for myself personally, I’ve gotta respectfully bow out here…I’m not hearing anything in the music that would be appealing to ya, and I think the vocals make it even more difficult for the people out there to want to give this song a spin. I’m going to be very interested to see how my ‘peers’ handle this tune given their records for dishonesty & beating around the bush…all I can do is tell Flame Of Life how it is, what I truly think, and let the chips fall where they may from there. If I end up being the villain of their life for doing that, it’s a risk I’d take every single time…you’ll never find me telling you anything less than my open honest thoughts on these pages of ours. They’ve got their choice of listening to what I’ve had to say, or going with what appears to be the common consensus from all the one-word posts coming their way about “Your Cave” online – somewhere in there, is truth that will guide them forward…they’ve just gotta decide where it’s coming from. Maybe it’s me, showing that I actually care by being truthful and writing a whole bunch of words that aren’t likely as supportive as they were hoping for, or maybe it’s the insightful comments online like “dope,” “cool,” or “lit fam” that have got things right. I never pretend that I’m the end-all and be-all of what’s good & what you wanna hear, all I can tell ya is the truth as I hear it. This ain’t for me, but if this is your jam, then turn it up loud & proud & enjoy.
Find out more about Flame Of Life at MySpace: https://myspace.com/flame444
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