Ferra – “Phase Me”

Ferra – “Phase Me” – Single Review
Here’s what I wasn’t expecting…
After I had a listen to this killer new single from singer/songwriter/artist-extraordinarre Ferra and thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end, I went back to where I’ve got my notes buried to see what else I could find out about her. With the fully professional sound & confident style she’s got goin’ on, I ain’t gonna lie to ya dear readers, dear friends…I was actually pretty shocked to find out this was a debut. That’s the high-level that Ferra is breaking-out in 2019 with y’all…not even kidding when I say you’ll wanna keep your eyes & ears on this artist, she’s clearly got all the talent it takes to succeed.
Exciting times indeed right? Many of you out there reading can relate to getting your music out there into the world for the first time and how awesome of a milestone that truly is. When you hear a song like “Phase Me,” you get that instant chill down your spine…you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you’re not just listening to something special, but an artist that is locked right in to her moment. What Ferra brings to the microphone on her debut single, sounds literally like an artist in full bloom.
Like I mentioned earlier this morning here on our pages…feels like things are heating up for the summer coming…it’s either that, or I’ve been on an incredible run of good luck with what’s been coming through the speakers lately, which ultimately, is just as cool with me. However she’s ended up here on our pages, or why it’s taken us all so long to discover her, I never really know…but what I can tell ya, is I’m 100% glad Ferra is here now – everything about “Phase Me” sounds like she’s right where she belongs. Fantastic control, tone, and technique – she sings with an audibly impressive mix of pure grace & power; lyrically, she’s gone deep on “Phase Me,” exploring some seriously tough situations, emotions, feelings, and thoughts about a relationship gone wrong as she sings the stunning melody on her new single. She finds her strength as the song plays on, ultimately realizing that a clean break is just about the only way to get the message across; she’s learned what she wants, what’s real, & what’s important in life/love – and Ferra comes through with beautiful doses of strength & empowerment in the words she’s written. Unafraid to call things out as they are, she’s rising above the obstacles she’s faced in her relationship and ready to move right on to a person that values her for all the right reasons. Where she’s been at before, she’s now seen the light…you can hear it throughout the insightful lines she’s written into the lyrics of “Phase Me” and even in the added hook of “It’s not OK” – which…truthfully, at that point in the song when it comes up, you’ve already had the pleasure of experiencing about a dozen strong hooks before that! This single is loaded with’em – and Ferra really uses the space & dynamic sound of the music to her advantage like a true professional…like I said at the beginning, it’s more than impressive to hear how many miles ahead of the rest of the competition & artists out there that she already is. When that low-end vibe punches through to shift into the chorus, that’s a fully magnificent and downright epic transition…and no matter which part of the song you’re listening to, you’ll find that Ferra brings the perfect amount of energy & emotion to make these words become a sensory experience you’ll feel. With the details & imagery she’s put into this tough tale of love gone wrong, you’d be likely to spend a minute or two considering feeling bad for Ferra and what she’s obviously been through – but recognize that what you’re listening to on “Phase Me” is the sound of an artist that’s now stronger than ever.
Which I believe brings us to right where we are now…the official release of her debut single, right at that key moment where Ferra has realized that she’s truly got a voice that’ll resonate with the hearts & minds of the people out there, armed with the confidence, talent, and mindset to make real moves that matter in her breakout year. From what I’ve already heard on “Phase Me” alone, I’d be more than excited to hear more from Ferra – and word on the street is that second single is right around the corner. Like I’ve been implying & saying throughout this whole review – keep Ferra on your radar – she’s got a stunning voice and a powerful single in “Phase Me” that’s essentially the perfect gateway into her music…I can’t wait to hear what else she’s capable of & I’d be willing to bet you’ll feel the same.
Find our more about Ferra and her debut single “Phase Me” at the official links below!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imferra
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/phase-me/1458389963
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2EDaJv8cmCXz4FrmXibDEi
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN8h04_MFchaf9VdtOGkGw
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/ferra-Phase-Me-Digital-Music/s?k=ferra+-+Phase+Me
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