Ferny G – “Butterflies”

Ferny G – “Butterflies” – Single Review
I think…I think that if I’m being real with ya Ferny G, this cut might need a bit more time in the ol’ incubator. The whole Rap/R&B thing is a weird game to begin with though…it’s moved well beyond having to be on-point with tone & all that traditional stuff in favor of the bizarre, faded & hazy vibes – so to be fair to the man, it’s really not gonna matter a whole lot to the listeners out there if his tone is spot-on, or isn’t – it’s much more about what he wants to get out of his music as an artist than anything else. We all get to make that choice between going for 100%, or accepting 95% and calling it a day – all I can promise this young dude is that when it comes right down to it, as artists, all we hear is that 5% we could have done better – and once a song is recorded & set in stone, that’s all we’ll ever remember.
But that’s part of it – Ferny G by all accounts is still a young artist at the earliest stages of his career. He’s already achieved results to be proud of that are far beyond anything I’ve ever done numbers-wise, so what do I even know anyway? Who am I to advise him? I’m just another guy on the internet with an opinion, and there are thousands of me. Where I’ve got one idea to make things better with his music, he’ll get another thousand comments from the rest telling him not to change a thing – it’s really up to him to decide who’s being real with him, and who ain’t. I don’t sweat this kind of stuff and he shouldn’t either this early on into his career – like I always tell ya, if there was no room to evolve and improve in whatever it is we do whether you’re an accountant or an artist, we may as well already be six feet under. I just call things like I hear’em – “Butterflies” is a bit uneven, and I hear plenty of spots where Ferny G can still tighten up his game.
OH NO, right? Honestly, not so much…it’s no big deal & nothing to even worry about really. From what I can see online, he basically started his journey in music around sixteen years old officially, and was about to get his career rockin’ just prior to when the pandemic hit. Fast forward a couple years, and that puts him at around 2020 for the music he’s been dropping online – and he’s been putting out new cuts consistently ever since. Last year in February, he hit that six-digit milestone for his single “THE TOP” – so for what it’s worth, all indications point to the guy being a dedicated hard worker, doin’ his level best to keep us all entertained & achieving success in the process – that’s all good stuff. In the case of “Butterflies,” I’m not entirely opposed to it – hell, half the time I’m into it – these are genuinely solid ideas. Maybe he could improve the performance a bit, or maybe it’s come out exactly as he wanted it to – the only person that knows that for sure, is Ferny G. In my opinion, hardly anyone really hits their stride within those first three years, and I can’t imagine the hell you’d create as an artist if you did…it’d feel like there’s nowhere else to go but down – who would rightly want that? My suggestion for Ferny G, is to really make sure that he steps to the mic with purpose, passion, and intention – because you can hear that he’s capable in at least half of “Butterflies” – so now, it’s all about achieving that consistency in his performances in a way that can complement the strength of his ideas. Admittedly, it’s almost hard to conceive the same dude that wrote “FUCK’EM” just about a year back is now singing about “Butterflies” & all – but that’s exactly my point…if you’re gonna do that & switch things up along the way, you wanna hear that same level of ownership & confidence across the board. From the highlights we hear on “Butterflies,” I’m completely sure he’ll get there – it’s all about applying a serious level of focus…and when that studio light comes on…and it’s time to record, giving that microphone every ounce of his talent, strengths, tone, and confidence that he can. More importantly, from there, it’s all about being as objective as possible, being brutal when listening back to it, and deciding what can be done even better than it is – because there’s always SOMETHING young blood. It’s natural to hear fluctuation this early on into his career as an artist – like I said…I don’t hold this stuff against him, I just do the best I can to help illuminate the path to the best way forward from here. There’s more than enough people that’ll supply confirmation…and if you’re reading between the lines here & understand what I’m really saying, you know I’m on Ferny G’s side. This dude has plenty of talent, great ideas, and the level of potential that should be encouraged to not only keep on keepin’ on, but that can absolutely get better in ways that’ll take him straight from good to greatness. Because there are lots of people out there that can push record…and you want listeners to hear that you pushed that button for a reason. He’s definitely got a great sense of the kind of beats he should be workin’ with – I really dig the music on “Butterflies” – and I think he flashes many moments of brilliance in the lyrics he’s written too…now it’s all about buckling down, putting in the hardest of hard work, and striving for that next-level as an artist, not so much through confirmation & compliments, but through critiques and criticism from those out there that believe in his talent & know he can dominate the game if he chooses to. YES I’m one of those people – hell, y’all can address me as THAT DUDE if you want to…I just keep it as real as I can – “Butterflies” is a decent cut…I mean, for real – listen to those harmonies he puts into the ending of this track and you’ll know exactly what I’ve been saying –Ferny G has every reason to believe he can make it with his music. No reason to settle for decent, or satisfying, or good enough…not when you’re capable of greatness, and that’s the level of talent Ferny G has within him. Give the man some time, give him more experience…let all that develop and let it come out through practice, dedication, rehearsals, and straight-up hard work – I’ve got all the confidence he’ll be crushin’ it hard within a couple years, and the best of Ferny G is still very much yet to come – mark my words y’all.
Find out more about Ferny G at his official page at Twitter here: https://twitter.com/fernyg__
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