Fendii Jay – “They Say”

Ayyyyyyyyyyyyy yo! Peep this video by Fendii Jay and take some notes on how to make a memorable impact happen in less than two minutes.
Credit to the director R. Davis as well – visually, this single “They Say” will hit ya quickly as the music builds up in the intro for Fendii to start droppin’ serious bars on his latest cut. Flexing verbal finesse & stylistic swagger at all times throughout his new joint, Jay’s melodic flow moves intensely with professional precision and reveals a master’s grip on the m-i-c as he slides smoothly into the main hooks of “They Say.” From the incredible look to the video and it’s stellar use of effects and clever editing, to the addictive vibes Fendii’s creating consistently & constantly throughout “They Say” – he keeps it all killer no filler for the full 1:48 and proves he’s more than capable of generating unforgettable entertainment even in the shortest of spaces. Dude’s got a ton of cuts out there for you to listen to released already and a solid selection of videos as well – I can vouch for this firsthand, because on the strengths of the video/single combo alone, I started diving straight into the catalog of Fendii Jay – he brings undeniable doses of skill & style to the game; you can see it, you can hear it. Check out “They Say” below!
Check out more music by Fendii Jay at his official page at Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6uFRtZjJzltlSYuAxW2sIt
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