Enemy Earth – “Aces”

Trip on THIS people – Enemy Earth has put together a killer video to support the experimental/ambient sounds of “Aces” with extraordinarily eye-catching visuals. Perfect for the late-night crowd & definitely our kind of thing here. Ain’t no doubt that “Aces” has a creepy vibe and look that definitely fits the vibe of the season we’re in – this whole haunting vibe from audio to video will crawl right into your head & slide into your soul. Wildly unique and seriously rad to experience on all levels…truly clever & captivating stuff goin’ on here – check it out for yourself and push play on “Aces” by Enemy Earth below!
Find more music and videos from Enemy Earth at the main channel at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1j18wm3cFlkjoee2j_lizw
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