EJBS91 – “Doubtful Compliant”

EJBS91 – “Doubtful Compliant” – Single Review
I can only imagine how stoked Emilio Jose Barzallo Saico (born in 1991, hence the name of this project) must have been when he was getting this song together piece by piece through the powers of the internet. You regular readers know I absolutely LOVE this kinda stuff…stylistically, these situations vary of course, but in terms of how they’re put together, it’s always the results of sincere passion & interest combined. On our side, we get some incredibly unique stuff to listen to that draws on the many different skills available out there…essentially, opening the door to making music in the way that EJBS91 has chosen to, invites possibility, opportunity, and potential of all kinds…and chances are, a project like this will continually keep you guessing as to what might come out NEXT…and I love that too of course. Whether this is a one-off experiment to see what could be achieved and test the waters, or they keep going in some way, shape, or form from here – all I know is that if I somehow managed to make a song like “Doubtful Compliant” in the process of experimentation…heck, would I ever want it to continue on!
Because this is sensational y’all…you’re not gonna find me complaining about a single thing I hear about “Doubtful Compliant” – not only is it played with exceptional skills combined in this collaborative effort, but the writing is spectacularly thought-out in great detail. The diverse sonic tapestry of sound they’ve wandered into seems to be the start of something savagely special to my ears…this is the kind of song that should have each and every player involved looking forward to keeping this project rocking. Loaded with gripping sound, intense melodies, and musicianship that’s as hard-hitting as it is professionally controlled & smooth as smooth can be – I have no idea how far away from each other all these players really are, but I can tell ya that what you experience is a band united in their creativity and vision for what “Doubtful Compliant” could become. Focused as it gets, there’s simply no stone left unturned on this single…they’ve covered every angle from the lefts to the rights in pursuit of creating an extremely ambitious song, and there’s not a doubt in my mind that everything you’ll hear will speak volumes on behalf of what they can achieve together. At the end of the day, “Doubtful Compliant” is so versatile that EJBS91 would never escape the Progressive label no matter how hard Emilio and the crew might protest or struggle…which might be something to consider, perhaps…it’s a term that tends to scare a few of the less dedicated listeners out there in this world, but those that REALLY dig music, love it all. As “Doubtful Compliant” shifts between Rock, Trip-Hop, R&B, Classic Rock, Pop…I mean…you gotta hand it to EJBS91 for finding a way to get so much into the mix here in such a delightfully accessible way. This song has bite, it has edge, it has the kind of SKILLS you can HEAR with your face-holes that’ll have you craving a whole lot MORE of the creativity and craft you’ll find in “Doubtful Compliant.” While it might not contain a large dose of what most would consider to be typical, straightforward hooks – they more than prove they can keep that half of the audience just as entertained by clever melody, textured tones, and smart sound selection. Sure…it’s probably harder to sing along with this track than many others out there…it takes a quality listen to get the most out of this whole experience, but it’s more than worth it – this inventive structure has so many twists & turns, yet stays so exquisitely TIGHT the whole time, it’s just nothing but pure audible awesomeness from the moment you push play to the moment it all ends.
Honestly, this cut’s got all the dimension, depth, and hard-hitting sound of something like you’d find in Faith No More or King’s X…and while those bands still had a great amount of style in what they created, and I’m confident you’ll all be able to hear how themore malleable R&B/Pop style of vocals in EJBS91’s “Doubtful Compliant” can further morph the sound and carry it to an even higher degree of universal accessibility as a result. It’s a really well-conceived cut without question…everything’s right where it should be in the mix…I love the use of multiple singers and the different sounds they bring to this song, the bass has got that addictive live-wire bounce I love, the guitars are all right outta this world – especially that final highlight solo right prior to the end, what exquisite tone & sensory sound you’ll find there! “Doubtful Compliant” is unquestionably entertaining & equally engaging for your musical mind’s eye, from start to finish.
Find out more about EJBS91 from this multi-link here: https://linktr.ee/EJBS91
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