Echoglass – “Little House”

Echoglass – “Little House” – Single Review
“Little house right by the water…”
If you’re not singing that opening line from the new Echoglass single “Little House” around your own abode after hearing this song, you’re listening to it sideways.
It’s not every time, but every so often it happens…sometimes you hear that perfect fit…that very first line will hit ya and make a resounding impression on ya that’ll stick around long after the music is over. “Little House” has that remarkable style of opening-up that instantly reveals a soulful style that connects – and just like those timeless tunes you know & love so much from music’s history, continues to build on its subtle, sweet, and charming strengths brick by brick until this whole structure can house you soundly.
“…that suburban life’s for no one who cares about themself…”
Amen to that. And within two lines at the very beginning of this song, you can already recognize the craft at work. Echoglass has put the imagery out there in a way you can see clearly in your mind, but also attaches a perspective to it that helps you understand the dreamy escape a place like this could be. As to whether or not that’s fully the case afterwards…I’ll leave the interpretations up to you, because that’s what this experience certainly becomes and quite quickly through the detail in the storyline, words, and video that accompany “Little House.” Drifting through nostalgia, memories, love, and loss – “Little House” goes on to express a wide array of emotions, echoing experiences and details you’ll likely relate to, and questioning how life can take such permanent turns without giving us time to get ready. For all the uplifting aspects you’ll find in the sound of “Little House” on the surface, at its core, you’ll find an impressively written song that goes so much deeper than its inviting demeanor would seem to imply. It’s definitely not going to be the happiest single you’ll hear this year if you’re paying close attention to the stellar lyricism in this tune…but you’ll find it’s probably much more comforting than you’d assume as a result in considering that as well. I’d say that’s the effect of being real & genuine with your audience; it might be a happy song, it might be a sad one, but if the sound of what you’re creating comes out resembling anything close to what’s truly happening within your heart & mind as an artist, then chances are, it’s going to connect with us as well – and that’s exactly the case on “Little House” by Echoglass.
While “Little House” is likely a bit on the slower & soulful side of what the people out there typically expect in a singleperhaps – there is a noteworthy amount of rewards for your ears that you’re bound to catch onto, and a ton for the songwriters out there that they’re sure to love. Because make no mistake folks, “Little House” is as well-constructed as a tune can get and the execution is spot-on. Listen to this tune unfold and how essential aspects like the backing vocals shine so bright at the beginning, only to rise up even further as we slide into the finale at the end – that’s beautiful stuff! Or what about the ever-present gorgeous & warm melody coming from the piano – awesome! Or how about the first time the guitar chimes in around the fifty-second mark and you realize there’s a whole Bluesy-sound that’s likely to reveal itself even more as the song plays on, which of course it does, and you end up in the brilliant tones of a mesmerizing solo mid-song – fantastic! And as far as the lead-vocals of Echoglass are concerned on “Little House,” I think you couldn’t have possibly asked for more…not only does it all come out strong and engaging, but also full of wisdom and insight that has you hanging on to every word in a sincere effort to find out how this whole story works out. Ultimately, you’re listening to a band that very much gets the craft of writing a song that hits home and knows how to execute when it comes to bringing the sentiment to your speakers in ways no set of ears out there could miss. You can feel the emotion that runs through “Little House” and you’ll relate to that feeling of how we all end up associating places we’re in with the people we love, and how the spirit of those we’ve said goodbye to in life can end up staying with us forever when we’ve found our way to the place we can really call home.
Find more music from Echoglass at Apple Music here: