Dylan Forshner – “Under Control”

 Dylan Forshner – “Under Control”

Dylan Forshner – “Under Control” – Single Review

A fellow Canadian, eh?

All the way from the east side to our west coast pages on the internet, according to what I’ve read Dylan Forshner is based out of Toronto.  He’s going with a label of Alt-Indie to describe what he’s doin’ and I suppose that sounds about right to me.  “Under Control” could have just as easily been considered some kind of Folk tune long before we expanded the amount of genres we categorize music under to around the five billion mark…but sure…I’m cool with Alt-Indie – that fits his style and the sound you’ll hear too.

I’m of two minds when it comes to this particular single.  On the one hand, I feel like he’s gotten the max potential out of it, that it’s got a very memorable part in its main hooks, and I really dig that he’s written from personal experience, even if in this case it might be built on experience that ain’t exactly the best experience, you know what I mean?  A lot of “Under Control” is designed like a musical mantra that was built to convince himself and others that he didn’t have a drinking or drug problem…but I suppose the real insightful tip that will tell you he must have had issues is that sober and straight people don’t tend to write songs like this one.  On the other hand, I feel like Dylan’s still got a significant amount of ways to go before he’s set himself apart from the rest of what’s out there and the average everyday listener out there would be able to identify his music based on sound alone.  To be fair, it’s tough to glean that outta any single tune you listen to by any artist or band for the most part…time will tell if he’s doing enough to give his sound the separation & distinct qualities it needs to stand out from everything else in his style of music.  Right now, I think you’ll find a lot of comparisons can be made, but again, to be fair, from what it looks like online, Dylan’s two singles and a demo into his career as a professional musician.  Lots of time ahead of him still.

So…look…there are things that are undeniably great, and other parts that probably confirm a single like “Under Control” is definitely still on the early side of his journey as an artist…or at least, they will eventually in hindsight years from now.  Do I like the song overall?  Sure!  The song is fine.  I don’t know that I’m hearing anything I’m going to write home about…but it’s cohesive and proves that Dylan’s got the kind of skills that can establish his name in the game as he carries on from here.  Musically speaking, it’s pretty meat and potatoes…there’s not a heck of a lot to “Under Control” outside of the guitar, bass, and a few handclaps to go with it…again, it’s super tough to stand out from so much of what has been done in music when those are your main ingredients.  There are some good ideas contained within the production that enhance the pieces to the song, mainly found in the vocals.  As far as those vocals are concerned, you’ve got two fairly split parts in this song in terms of the quality you’ll find.  If you’re asking me personally, I’d tell ya that Dylan is walking a very fine line of nearly whining at us in the verses – and I suppose that would concern me a little if I was him…because if I’m hearing it that way, believe me, I’m not gonna be alone in that even if I’m the only person that’ll tell him like it is.  That being said, let’s not forget another man with Dylan in his name went on to establish a legendary career with a very similar kind of attribute – so what do I know anyhow?  If you’re anywhere in the wheelhouse of being Dylan-esque, you’re probably doin’ okay, you know what I mean?  Forshner’s not necessarily off-putting, but it’s also hard to say that he’s giving “Under Control” the kind of appeal that listeners naturally respond to – that’s what I’m saying.  As far as the chorus goes, he’s freakin’ spectacular and spot-on the money.  I know, I know, I know – he’s just singing some “oooo oooos” – I get it, I get it.  While a part like that tends to appear uncomplicated, it still shows his innate ability to sing AND create a truly memorable hook out of very simple ingredients – and credit where credit is due, that’s actually a whole lot tougher to do than most people would think.  I feel like he nailed the chorus of “Under Control” down so perfectly that he was able to bring this single straight to the memorable level he was searching for and that you’d hope to create as an artist.  Even if it’s not a song you instantly recall by name, you’ll know you’ve heard it when you hear it again, and to be honest with ya, that’s definitely an achievement no matter how you slice it.

Overall, it works well enough…but yeah, I do question whether or not it’s the kind of single that is going to get people ranting about what Dylan can do.  I suspect we’re still a song or two away from that kind of breakthrough yet, but I do think he’s on the right path.  Songwriting-wise, I think very highly of what he’s got here on “Under Control” and I dig the raw honesty it comes with; it ends up being both the song’s AND his own main strength really, and heck yeah – you can make a totally valid career with these kind of chops.  Besides that though, when you consider the inspiration for the song, essentially being out of control and trying to convince others & himself that he was in control, and how that might not be the most honest assessment of what was happening at the time…to hear Dylan write a song with such an unfiltered & accountable take on that same scenario is quite the character arc you’ve gotta admire.  He’s found a way to turn what might have once been his greatest weakness into what could go on to become his greatest strengths as a songwriter.  Now that he’s “Under Control,” he can focus, and make his mark.

Find out more about Dylan Forshner from this official multilink:  https://linktr.ee/DylanForshnerMusic

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