Drex Ave – “50 Rap Artist Pun Challenge”

To pull it all off convincingly, you need to know your history homies – that’s what leads rapper Drex Ave to a decisive victory in the “50 Rap Artist Pun Challenge.” Taking it all the way back to the Yo Raps era with an extended intro leading into the video, Drex runs the verbal gauntlet as he hits the bars and name-drops as many emcees as he can while flexing a ton of skill on the m-i-c in the process. But you can tell he didn’t just Google these names y’all – the man spits with conviction, commitment, and clear knowledge of those that have come up in the Rap game before him…he’s like an encyclopedia of the genre’s history! Check it out for yourself – Drex Ave handles this challenge with authority and comes out with a giant W for the effort – you might even learn a thang or two just from watching & listening – so DO that – click play below!
Find out more about Drex Ave at his official page at Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drexavemusic
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