Donny Blanco – “Grab ‘N Go”

Effort like this deserves to be rewarded. Versatile rapper Donny Blanco takes you through a twisted tale of life & love in a brand-new single/video that houses about ten-song’s worth of ideas brilliantly inside this one experience. You know what that means y’all – there’s somethin’ for errrrrrybody on “Grab ‘N Go” – check it out for yourself and have a look/listen to this mini-movie he’s created to support this single, expertly directed by Prophecy Productions and all-out killer to watch. This video release also includes two cuts from his 4th mixtape which is also called Grab ‘N Go, the tracks you’ll find here are called “Atlantis” and “Bae” – you know what to do y’all – go get yourself some homies – and push play below!
Find out more about Donny Blanco at his official page at Facebook:
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