Don Sprik & Freewheelin – “Village Square”

Don Sprik & Freewheelin – “Village Square” – Single Review
Ain’t nothing quite like gettin’ the band back together, you know what I mean?
Word on the street is that Don Sprik & Freewheelin originally began some forty years ago and enjoyed a short run as a band before its players all moved on to different things like LIFE outside of music and whatnot – and recently, the man in the moniker thought it might be a great idea to grab some of those original players & see if they could recreate the magic and supply YOU listeners with a good time or two.
And so here we are and there you have it – Don Sprik & Freewheelin is back in action and “dancin’ at the village square” with their brand-new single. According to the notes I’ve got here, you’ve got Don Sprik at the helm doin’ the singin’ with the guitar, his main cohort Jimmy Warren (Lead Guitar), who also co-wrote this single with Don, Jon Jareki (Bass), Jim Markle (Keys), and Alyn Arkestyn (Drums) – and I believe that’s everyone all present & accounted for, yes? Looks like it from having a look at the official video that comes along with “Village Square” and doing a quick head-count. These dudes look like they’re having a great time playin’ for ya in this video, and they sound like a real good time too – not a bad combination when it comes right down to it…you might even say important for modern-day music.
Now…I don’t know much about the dancing scene with my two left feet & naturally debilitating shyness – but if you’re the kind of person inclined to go cut up a rug, believe me when I tell ya, I’m all for it y’all. I can’t even do a passable Robot or Running Man, so unfortunately I’ve gotta bow out, but I’m downright envious of your free spirit if I’m being entirely honest with ya – get out there on the dance-floor and have yourself a good time I say! Which is really what a song like “Village Square” is all about at the heart of it all…no matter where you are, whether you’re close to your own “Village Square” or not, it’s about gettin’ up and having a good time gettin’ down with your bad self, enjoyin’ the music, you dig? If Don Sprik & his band of brothers can all do it some forty years after the original incarnation of Freewheelin, then you’re certainly in good enough shape to join’em in celebration by dancin’ up a storm along with’em, wouldn’t you say? Help yourself and have at’er hoss…whether it’s the club floor or the city street where you’re standing – they’re encouraging ya to have a good time, and that’s sound advice.
Back to my own wheelhouse, where I simply make comments on what does or doesn’t work for any artist or band I’m listening to, beyond the whole dancing theme…I feel like these guys came back to the scene with purpose, passion, and intent – all great attributes for a band at any stage of their career. They’ve got genuine personality, the music they’re making has a stellar rumble & groove to it, solid harmonies & vocals…it’s catchy stuff, played by seasoned veterans of the scene that clearly know their way around their instruments and the recipe required to get the good times a-rollin.’ No weak points as far as I’ve observed…though it might be fair to say they’ve got a little work to do in terms of keepin’ up with the energy of Jon on the bass and the fantastically furry face he’s rockin’ with. Don even took the time to shout-out good ol’ Canada here where our pages our based out of, in addition to several other places on the map – you get the idea – they’re ready to rock wherever the road ahead may take them, and ya never know…you might just see Don Sprik & Freewheelin hittin’ up a LIVE stage near YOU any moment now…keep an eye on them local listings y’all. They certainly make a good case for goin’ to a show based on what you’ll see in this video and what you hear in the song – “Village Square” has got that old-school Rock feel to it that continues to resonate strong with the people out there to this very day. Wild guitar solo, steady pound from the drums, great feel to the music overall shared between’em, and beyond that, like I was tellin’ ya – they play with real passion, personality, and style. They make a track like “Village Square” genuinely FUN to listen to, and I’d imagine that’s because they’re truly having a great time gettin’ back out there on stage together to play for ya. They’ll earn your approval through stellar musicianship and supplyin’ tunes that are certain to turn good times into great ones – make sure to check out what Don Sprik & Freewheelin are up to in the ol’ “Village Square” here, and turn it on UP!
Find out more about Don Sprik & Freewheelin at the official site at:
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