DJ Crillo – “Friday” Featuring Jocelyn Mathieu & OLC

DJ Crillo – “Friday” Featuring Jocelyn Mathieu & OLC – Single Review
Here’s something you can pop on in your ride and seriously cruise to.
And besides…everyone out there could use a little more “Friday” on their Tuesday nights, am I right? DJ Crillo’s done real well here on this new single – the texture of the music and vibrant way the music comes at you from the lefts & rights on “Friday” is freakin’ spectacular – and loaded with good-time vibes. Enlisting the vocal talents of Jocelyn Mathieu and OLC on the mic to add some soul into this cut, they switch between an R&B/Hip-Hop combo in the verses and break out the real singing for the hooks in the chorus. Resulting in a collaboration that’s got that uplifting spark your speakers are searching for – this new single from DJ Crillo and his posse of talent is a genuine ‘nod ya head’ rhythm & groove. You can help but get into this…you just can’t…I don’t care if you’re built of pure steel or not – this is too smooth to be denied! From the music to the microphone, the entertainment comes flowing out from all angles of the production & performances on “Friday” – this is gonna satisfy a whole lot of ears out there.
I mean…you just FEEL better after listenin’ to a track like this – you dig? Music like this is like vitamins for the soul y’all, or that warm sunshine on your face as the day starts cookin’ – inviting, comforting, catchy, welcoming…you name it – a track like “Friday” is all of these things and more. Expertly put together by the main man, DJ Crillo’s got this cut fully loaded with enticing sounds from clever edits & old-school scratches, a smart & crisp beat, character-filled horns & atmospheric synth sounds in the mix…it’s all here for your ears to hear, to be turned up, and to truly be enjoyed. Y’ain’t gonna get through this track and then go sleep with a frown somewhere – “Friday” is a celebration of that entire spirit you can get from your time away from the grind…a cut that’ll genuinely relax your soul as much as it’ll entertain your whole FACE. In my heart of hearts, I like to think that’s exactly why this single connects so quickly when we listen – somewhere inside of all us, there’s something brilliantly relatable here in “Friday” that exists in each and every one of us. Whether your homies are in their twenties or in their late eighties – I mean…we can all relate to that feeling of the possibilities of a “Friday” night, can’t we? And believe it or not – when it comes to age, straight-up, I don’t think there are any boundaries on a track like this…it’s the kind of remarkable accessibility in sound & songwriting that could potentially appeal to anyone & EVERYONE – and when you think of just how rare that really is, you gotta hand DJ Crillo and the crew here some bonus points for pulling off some serious magic in the flow of “Friday.”
TEST THESE THEORIES FOR YOURSELF HOMIES. I dare you to put this on in a group of your friends and just see if you’re not all nodding along to the beat by about thirty-seconds in. I bet ya will be. Because if you weren’t in the mood for good times before, you certainly will be by the time you have a listen or two to this highly repeatable cut…this verifiable shiny single full of crossover sound…like I was saying earlier on – you just feel great after an experience in music like you get from DJ Crillo’s “Friday.” Excellent performances from Jocelyn Mathieu, who lends the most soulful singing to this cut, and the bars from OLC continue to add even more character & personality into this song. The resulting balance between the strengths of this collaborative effort are what make “Friday” such a smooth moment in time from beginning to end…everyone’s bringing the right performance in to suit the vibe and complement the other surrounding parts perfectly, gettin’ lively with it when it’s called for and keeping it ultra-chill for the most part to preserve the coolness of this cut and make sure it’s flowing at all times.
Honestly you’re not getting a single complaint from me when it comes to “Friday” or what’s been accomplished here. I think this hits the spot on all-levels – it’s that perfect party vibe that slides right into your speakers and stays because it’s welcome there…the kind of song that will bring the party right to ya if you’re not already there. Really solid single and props to all-hands on deck here – this cut is continual fun and endlessly smooth – DJ Crillo, Jocelyn Mathieu, & OLC make the most of this moment and maximize the potential that “Friday” feeling comes along with – 100% solid & stunning to listen to.
Listen to music from DJ Crillo at Spotify here:
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