DirtyLaundry – “CopChase”

DirtyLaundry – “CopChase” – Single Review
Back in January this year when the Worcester, MA, band DirtyLaundry FINALLY got the opportunity to drop their highly anticipated debut single “Bubblegum” after five years since their inception in 2016, they must have been breathin’ a huge sigh of relief and enjoyed a moment of real satisfaction or two. That’s a long journey to get to a debut for sure – but everything I heard on that first single immediately confirmed that the time these four musicians spent refining their sound & style was definitely worth it, and that they were about to set forth & conquer the year with an onslaught of energy that had been pent up for far too long. Trust me – go have a spin through “Bubblegum” for yourselves…you’ll hear it – DirtyLaundry put their eight best feet forward and made sure they came out swinging for the fence with a track that was bound to get noticed, which I’m sure it was. At the very least, enough to keep’em all interested & inspired enough to put out another shiny cut for ya, which I’ve got here today in review.
So…let’s be clear…obviously Danny T is the star of the show. If you couldn’t tell from the smooth & slick bass-lines he immediately starts groovin’ on as the magic of “CopChase” begins, you could tell by looking online and seeing the band post up his profile in February as the first in a series on social-media before they abandoned doing it for the other three dudes. Rockstars eh folks? Just nothing you can do to keep those egos in-check sometimes. While the technical details are correct, obviously I’m kidding around a bit here…but the reality truly is that Danny T’s puttin’ in work here that SHOULD be noticed – ultimately, I really did feel like his reliability on the bass & the spark he brings to the music was completely crucial. That being said…the man has MAJOR competition…and I don’t need to tell Danny T how many times the bass-man likely tends to get overlooked with all the flash & dazzle of the rest of all that’s goin’ on in the music and the tendencies of the listening ears of the masses always latching onto lead vocals every time – I’m sure he knows. All I’m sayin’ brother is that I hear ya – your efforts don’t go unnoticed here dude.
Garret puts in precision, high-quality beats with great energy & technique you can hear from the drums, the guitars from Owen shine bright & ramp right into explosive sound to fuel the heart of the chorus, and singer/guitarist Shane pretty much can’t bloody help but stand out for all the right reasons. They’re somewhat like Cage The Elephant in that frantic-intense-melodic combination of electric energy that seems to be able to unpredictably surge, detonate, and thrill us whenever they wanna pull that lever – and DirtyLaundry will go on to prove through “CopChase” they have no urge to hold themselves back when it comes to anything, any longer than they already have had to. Now is their time – and truly, you can HEAR that level of inspiration & unity in the way they play “CopChase” – “Bubblegum” too for that matter – they’ve waited as long as they have, they’ve all survived isolation – and NOW it’s time to go out there and really kick some ass all over the scene as they crank out a bunch of new tunes for ya this year.
The reality is, they’ve got exceptional balance between the strengths of their band and they’re playing with serious purpose right now. Think of how long they’ve been bottled up for! This has been a long damn time coming – and when you hear the way that DirtyLaundry plays their music, you can hear that pure release of energy that has been stored up for so very long; when they hit the chorus of a cut like “CopChase” you feel just how good it must feel to get these songs out, right along with’em. As a result you get this riotously spirited & uplifting vibe at the heart of “CopChase” that makes you feel like you could go out and conquer the planet…quite likely because that’s the way they’re feeling themselves right about now, you dig? Can’t say I blame them if they do – they’ve got some time to make up for, and from what you’ll hear on cuts like “Bubblegum” and now in “CopChase” it’s more than clear they’re ready to make that happen, full speed ahead. Great use of the loud/quiet dynamics in this tune, stellar production, an all-star performance and riotously tight writing…DirtyLaundry should have no problem at all in making an impact on ya & finding their way onto your playlists as they surge into this next exciting chapter of their career together and get their music out there into the world officially, where it belongs.
Find out more about DirtyLaundry from this magical multi-link right here: https://instabio.cc/DIRTYLAUNDRYMUSIC
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