Digital Observations – “Got To Go”

Digital Observations – “Got To Go” – Music Video Release/Review
For all the people out there still awake, partying, turning up the tunes and refusing to let their Saturday night become a Sunday morning without an intense amount of enthusiastic resistance – have we ever got the perfect track for you. If it wasn’t for the fact that this is my first experience with the music of Digital Observations, I’d have sworn this song was put out solely for my own personal entertainment. As far as what I dig in electro goes, a ton of that is on display through the new IDM single/video called “Got To Go” – this is a solid example of creating wicked visual support for a song that demands uniqueness.
Essentially, when it comes to the music, Digital Observations incorporates a ton of what makes EDM electro great, but uses slick tricks from its IDM cousin to insert innovative texture & sound into the mix, allowing this track to expand and evolve into something more entertaining than just a smooth groove. Because at the end of the day, there’s not even a question or a doubt about the smoothness of “Got To Go” – there’s an extremely inviting electro sound that’s pretty much guaranteed to slide right into your ears over the initial twenty-seconds or so as the boards warm-up. Digital Observations then gets all kinds of inventive with the bright & vibrant synth-sounds that take over, adding in a key vocal-edit that’s altered beyond all recognition, ultimately serving the song just as much as any other part of the melody in the music, more or less disguised perfectly as more electro-instrumentation.
Video-wise, for me, this was just as cool to watch as it was to listen to. I recently just stumbled onto the videos & music of Jonathan Bree out there on the internet, so believe me when I say that seeing this new cut from Digital Observations was right up my alley at the moment. Hidden in a mask, the main character roams through savagely well-shot scenes, all brilliantly displayed onscreen with a matching digital style that fits the attitude, spirit & sound of the music right on target. As far as some of the scenery goes, our masked dude ends up in some truly spectacular settings while on the run – take a real LOOK at some of the surroundings! Colors in areas like you’ll find in the field & bridge scenes are amazing, so are the dark & dank scenes spent in a room alone & the wide-openness of nature as the hooded & masked figure runs from place to place on “Got To Go” – it all makes for a highly entertaining visual experience, complemented flawlessly by the glitch-edit imagery taking place all the way through.
It’s bizarre, it’s creative, it’s fun – “Got To Go” is a rad & badass single/video stylistically designed to peak the curiosity of listeners/viewers out there & bound to lead a whole bunch of electro fans down an all new rabbit-hole of endless imagination, via the cleverly skewed perspective of Digital Observations.
Find more music and videos from Digital Observations from the main channel at YouTube here:
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