DawgGoneDavis – “Love’s Boss”

DawgGoneDavis – “Love’s Boss” – Single Review
“By day DawgGoneDavis is a IT Project Manager, by 5pm she is on the stationary bike in the driveway going nowhere fast, and dreams up fun Rap, Hip-Hop…” #KindaHasThatSuperheroRingToItDontYaThink?
Alrighty folks…I’m back in the saddle, freshly moved across Canada, back at home in beautiful British Columbia for the first time in six years, and officially ready to turn up some tunes again – let’s do this – DawgGoneDavis, you’re up!
So let’s see here…”Love’s Boss” is the brand-new single from DGD…and how do I describe this to ya…what is it that I wanna share with ya in my first review back about this song? I think the real key to getting some kind of idea of what DawgGoneDavis is all about is right there in that snippet of the bio I quoted above…it really comes down to one word – “fun.” There’s plenty of professionalism in the mix for ya too, don’t get me wrong – but in terms of the priority in the songwriting, sound, methods and means, it’s “fun” that illuminates the pathway for DGD to exist on playlists out there. I know it’s been a while now, but last I checked, there’s still a bunch of you out there kind of partial towards “fun,” right?
Honestly, DawgGoneDavis seems like an absolute riot from what “Love’s Boss” sounds like. You’ve got her avant-garde style of artistic poetry, and stream of thought type-delivery – you’ve got collaborations with dedicated musicians – you’ve got a wild selection of supremely colorful sound well worth turning up…and for a track that’s just barely over three-minutes in length, DGD’s prepared a smorgasbord of seriously audible “fun” – exactly as she intended to. In short, there’s actually a TON going on in this cut that makes it stand out and apart from the rest of what’s out there, and you know I’m always interested in the artists out there that choose to do things differently than the rest. Do I think everyone out there is going to be able to hang with DawgGoneDavis’ scattered thoughts in real-time and follow her in a straight line from point-A to point-B? Heck no! But that’s more than okay – in fact, it’s encouraged. I like the balance of loose vibes, stylistic cool, and tight professional chops on display…and I’m sure I’m not alone in that. Plus – I gotta say – if you’re paying close attention, you’ll find some of these words in the mix are gonna raise your eyebrows to the roof, wondering if DawgGoneDavis just said what you think she said…and spoiler alert – she probably DID. A real example of going where the music takes ya, her free-flowing thoughts come out with a great range of personality, shock-value, spark, and poetry involved…all of what DGD brings to the microphone would be more than enough to make music unique. It ain’t typical stuff, that I can tell ya…and in that respect, there’s always tremendous value in creating songs that take us in a new direction; not everyone comes “along for the ride” of course, but those that ‘get it’ and like to have their “fun” with the music they listen to will likely be loyal listeners for life, and find genuine pleasure in trying to figure out what the heck DawgGoneDavis is really singing about here.
There are things I love, like the guitars from guest Romain Duchein, the energetic spark of the drums from Jack T Perry as the reliable backbone of this track, and the main hook from Chago G Williams to fuel the chorus with extremely accessible sound too – these elements are all huge complements to the artistic vibe that DawgGoneDavis is going for and work out really well. Things I’m not loving quite as much, might include the production on DGD’s vocals…I say ‘might’ because I’m not totally opposed to it, but the way that they sound does almost seem like there’s a layer of separation between her and the music, and a more beneficial way of approaching the mix ‘might’ have been to be more surrounded by the sound as opposed to sounding above the rest of what we hear. I have a few other things in there too that would make the list, like words like “unfurl” being found less in our common speech, which kind of has an effect that snaps us out of listening to pay attention to a particular word at times, or moments like the “five and six, pick-up sticks” & “Johnny & me sitting in a tree” rhymes that come into play that I’m not entirely sure an artist with the zany creativity of DawgGoneDavis really needs to lean on when considering how fabulously unique & creative the rest of her words are around these parts. Those last two points could just be me though…y’all know I sit here and over-analyze everything – for the most part, I’d imagine people are going to really appreciate the wild amount of “fun” promised, and delivered.
There’s great energy here overall – “Love’s Boss” has the live-wire electricity and surprise factor working well in its favor, and every player involved should be stoked on what they’ve brought to this highly unique experience. DawgGoneDavis is clearly in this music-thang to do things differently, have some real fun, and turn many heads in the process. Whether that’s for the creativity of her lyricism, the sense of combined mischief & wisdom in her voice to go with her words, or the way the music itself leaps from your speakers…one way or the other & probably both, a track like “Love’s Boss” will grab your attention.
Find out more about DawgGoneDavis at her official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Dawggonedavis
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