David Singley – “Change Gonna Come”

David Singley – “Change Gonna Come” – Single Review
Talented songwriter. I dig what you’ve got goin’ on here David.
That’s probably the easiest conclusion to draw to anyhow…as to where Singley ‘fits’ out there in this music-scene we’re sharing…that could be more difficult to figure out. Not that desperately searching to put ourselves in some kind of box or category really does us any good…there are more than enough listeners out there for one & all, it’s just a matter of the music being found. I suppose you could likely consider David’s single “Change Gonna Come” as Adult Contemporary…that’s possible…you could go with something more widespread as Pop, but then you’d have to specify that it’s more of a Classic Rock approach to Pop…the old-school definition of what Pop meant before it became over-sensationalized – or maybe you can get away with Indie & a splash of World Music or New-Age sound in there…like I said, it’s hard to say. I just know what I like to listen to, and I appreciate the comforting & soothing sound of Singley’s brand-new single. The whole aura of “Change Gonna Come” is as dreamy as it is humbly grounded.
Lots of things will have you at hello when it comes to how this song starts up in all the right directions. The production, tone, and sound of the melody of the guitar immediately had me paying attention – I felt like that worked brilliantly. As for the reveal of the hooks…I really liked the way the vocals sounded and how this part is sung more-so than thought the chorus was all that addictive perhaps, but I’d readily acknowledge it’s the kind of hook that’ll have no problem getting wedged in your brainwaves & you’ll be singing this around the house in no time at all after a mere listen or two. Where I felt like things actually went from good to great, was still very early on – it wasn’t through the reveal of the chorus, but with the chorus coming first, it ended up being the verse to follow…the melody line is fantastic, the lyricism is superb, the music is a perfect complement to the vocals…everything seemed to snap right into place, and quickly for what’s actually a slower tune. I LOVE the lyrics in the opening verse though…check this out: “Get up in the morning, raining – ain’t no use complaining – the rain don’t ask for my permission.” Brilliant y’all. It’s one of those lines that’s impressive for what’s being said, sure – but it’s equally amazing for what’s being implied as well – David points out the ‘c’est la vie’ of it all here…that there’s very little within our control when it comes to how “Change Gonna Come” and we’re gonna go with the flow of that, regardless of our opinion on what that change may be. We have about as much choice in that as we do the rain falling on our head…and that’s essentially what Singley is saying in his words if I’m reading the tea leaves correctly here. There’s lots of genuine wisdom in this man’s lyricism, and he’s got a great way of communicating it to ya within the comforting sound of the chorus in this song, or the inspired way he sings through the verses of “Change Gonna Come.” He’s got that ‘been there before’ type vibe to him…like you know he’s seen much throughout his travels & he’s learned that acceptance is the best pathway forward…because “Change Gonna Come” whether we like it or not, so you better just find a way to appreciate the beauty of the natural mechanics in that part of life, because change comes for us all. Resistance in that regard is both futile, and somewhat juvenile too…there’s nothing to be gained from trying to stop change from occurring, other than a headache that comes along with futility. “Change fast, change slow” – one way or the other my brothers & sisters, change is really who WE are.
Everything came out flawlessly here for David. The professional musicianship, the insightful lyricism, the warm glow of the backing vocals, the stoic confidence in the lead…all that stuff came out fantastic – and he even beats the odds by having a fade-out at the end of this song actually WORK! Smartly accomplished by not fading everything out all at once, you get the percussion left behind at the end of “Change Gonna Come,” and it makes for a genuinely understated, stellar finale to this single. All-in-all, you’ll find no complaints from me…in a world filled with change, with songs, artists, and bands all thumpin’ us on the head for our attention…there’s something about the inherent peacefulness of this song that’s bound to captivate a whole lot of people listening & mesmerize many of our hearts & minds.
Find out more about David Singley from his official website at: https://www.davidsingley.com
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