Daeod – “More Life”

Daeod – “More Life” – Music Video Post
Ayyy – what’s better than some life? “More Life” – am I right?
You could ask the same question about artist Daeod more or less too. Check it out – what’s better than one Daeod? Two! And just so happens, you’ll get exactly that in certain scenes you’ll see throughout his video supporting his latest single “More Life.” While, sure, most of what you’ll see onscreen in the visuals has the man rockin’ solo, I’d assume he’s keeping the greatest company when someone else shows up, because it’s always another Daeod. Don’t get it twisted though, “More Life” isn’t overloaded with effects…the vast majority has the main star of the show doin’ his thang, unfiltered for ya – and that’s all ya need. Everything else is a bonus; the use of effects from LazyVisuals is threaded in cleverly to make an extra impact for your entertainment.
The people are with him, no doubt about that. Not only has he racked up 15K hits on YouTube alone in not even ten days since the official release of “More Life,” but you can see from the comments being left on the posting that listeners are connecting with what Daeod has to say, and how he goes about sayin’ it. With a delicate melody and a bold beat, Daeod hits the bars with his own Trap style as he drifts in between scenes of black & white and full color in the video for “More Life.” Make no mistake y’all, even that’s a symbolic addition that supports what he’s spittin’ in his lyrics on this cut – think of it like a visual metaphor that shows you “More Life” right there onscreen whenever the colors pop out. Beyond that, you’ve got Daeod out in the park with a full rack of bills, on the corner with another rack of bills…or maybe it’s the same rack, I haven’t had the opportunity to ask – you get the idea, he’s got money – and when you ain’t watching him hold it directly, you’ll see him transform those dollars into drinks at the club where he’s drinkin’ the good shit with his friends. Armed with a determined look in his eyes at all times, you can see the star power in an artist like Daeod, and as he commands each scene you see in the video for “More Life,” you can tell that every beat and bar he’s got in this song means something to him.
And that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? As they always tell ya, do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. Daeod’s clearly out there doin’ the most that he can with the time he’s got, so that he can earn like a true professional, and live “More Life” each and every day. It looks like he’s makin’ money moves if what we’re seeing in the video is the truth, and it sure sounds like it is based on everything that you’ll hear in the song. You stack all that good stuff up with the mad support & love this dude’s getting from the online realm, and it’s crystal clear he’s destined for great things. The results are already there and the verdict has been rendered in his favor in the court of public opinion – but if you haven’t checked out “More Life” for yourself yet, then you know it’s your time to shine and push play.
Find out more about Daeod from this multi-link to his pages online here: https://linktr.ee/1daeod
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