Chels Sounds – “Wonderful”

Chels Sounds – “Wonderful” – Single Review
Well now! This right here is one of the most apt titles you’re ever going to find in music, ever.
I’ve made my own extended mix of the new single by Chels Sounds called “Wonderful” – it’s a four-minute long song in its original form, but considering that I couldn’t get enough of it, I’ve been looping it on repeat for what I’m sure has equated to hours by now. This incredible lady has such an extraordinary gift and inherent connection to music that, spoiler alert – I’m not gonna be the only one on the internet relentlessly playing “Wonderful” over and over…chances are you’re gonna feel the same way that I do.
If there’s a more appropriate definition of universally appealing vibes than this song, I’ve never heard it.
I had the feeling it was going to go this way from the moment I pushed play. She describes her sound best right there on her homepage, which will tell ya that she makes “Chill Electronica, Ambient, Cinematic, Ethereal music” – I’ve written a few reviews in my lifetime as a few of you out there know, and I assure you, I couldn’t have pinned down what I’m hearing in Chels Sounds any better than that. In fact, it’s those last two genres/styles that sum it up best for me…not only does “Wonderful” have an immaculately ethereal & atmospheric vibe goin’ on, but one day, some savvy producer out there of television & film is going to stumble across “Wonderful” and realize it’s exactly what they needed for the soundtrack of what they’re working on to make the whole scene hit home…and by including it, it will. I know, I know…obviously I’m theorizing here and I haven’t seen whatever that might go on to be one day – but I’m tellin’ ya the straight truth…”Wonderful” is so brilliantly vivid, it’s like a dream you can visually see just by listening to it. To say I’m impressed wouldn’t cover even a quarter of how I feel about what I’ve felt in checking this incredible single out – “Wonderful” is authentically profound beyond any words I could ever write…and whether or not it ever becomes part of a movie or TV show aside, I can tell you this much for sure – it’s become an essential part of the soundtrack to MY life, and I’m sure it will be to yours too. I try not to overhype anything I’m listening to, and I can assure you, I’m not about to start doing that here today either – so take that to heart y’all…”Wonderful” is as gorgeous of a song as you’ve ever heard in your LIFE…and quite simply, it’s an experience in music that I’ll never ever forget having.
So like I was telling ya…I’m probably hours into listening to this one song on repeat by now, and I can confirm, not only have I tested it out for durability & its passed the test with flying colors, but it’s one of those rare times where I’m practically saddened by the fact that I’ll have to move on & write about something else, know what I mean? There’s really something about “Wonderful” that feels like it’s the ONLY song you’re really going to need to have on your playlists this year…that’s how stunning this really is. It’s graceful, it’s beautiful, it’s audibly intoxicating – it’s “Wonderful,” just like the title promises ya.
My hat is completely off to ya Chels Sounds…this is a monumental achievement, and as fantastic as a single can potentially ever be. The music is absolutely stellar, the vocals are the perfect accompaniment to everything we hear…”Wonderful” is a song that speaks straight from the speakers to your soul, and I can guarantee I’m not going to be the only person out there that can’t get enough of it. If there was something to change, or any advice I had to give Chels Sounds for the future, y’all know that I’d share it – but the facts are what they are here…this is a next-level artist with an extremely bright future ahead. I’m blown away by how amazing this song is, and I’d listen to ANYTHING by Chels Sounds because of this experience; it’s like I’ve been searching for this moment my entire life & I truly feel more complete now that I’ve found it – if that ain’t the indication of just how “Wonderful” this tune IS, what else could be?
Find out more about Chels Sounds from the official pages below!
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