deadwater – “Purple Crosses” / “Shattered” – Singles Review “The beauty is in the imperfection.” That line in the information I was reading stood out to me as I was diggin’ into the new music from deadwater…it’s the kind of statement that comes from a real place, and can actually be taken several ways. You […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
Katie Belle – “Symptoms” – Single Review Yep…this makes sense to me. Katie Belle might have “cold sweats, tight chest,” and a plethora of other “Symptoms” too, but she’s also got the vibe of a certifiable Pop star. Not that she needs confirmation from me on that…I’m sure that the hundreds of thousands of people […]Read More
Galliano Sommavilla – “When I Wake Up” – Single Review “Why do we fall, Bruce?” And you super-fans all know how the rest of the story goes from there. I think a lot of creative-types and artists out there tend to get bent outta shape when they lose their mojo for a minute or two, […]Read More
LAZORE – “Break Slowly” – Single Review As many of you out there have read on these pages of ours so far this year, I’ve been diggin’ on what LAZORE has been coming up with. Dude put out a solid debut EP, a couple of decent singles to follow soon after like “Wanted Man” & […]Read More
benj – as chaos ensues; I remain – EP Review You gotta at least be as amused as I am about the thought of someone out there making time for the kind of punctuation like a semicolon, yet having clearly no use for capitalization. That’s what we call interesting in the nerd world of writing…but […]Read More
JP Doyle – “At The End Of The Road” / “One More Thing” – Singles Review JP’s moving quickly these days…and only he’s gonna be the person that knows exactly why that is. I’m of the mind that as long as you’re not cheating yourself and the material in the music you’re making, go ahead […]Read More
Captain Highside – In Southern Cities – EP Review I mean…if I was judging this record from the first impression you’ll get on the way in the door, I’d readily tell ya that you’re all about to be in-store for the best of Captain Highside that I’ve personally heard to-date. “Sway” is a fantastic song […]Read More
Luke Brown – Impressions – EP Review “Written over a weekend, recorded in 3 hours.” #WordUP #JustCreateYall #MakeMusic And that’s just the thing, ain’t it? As many of you out there have heard from me over the years, we can spend our entire lives perfecting one song…at some point, you just gotta call it finished, […]Read More
VDX – VDX Musical Journey – Album Review + Bonus Track Interesting dude, interesting music. I was peppered with a series of great questions from VDX to answer while I’m over here having a listen. Is the music relevant? Would people listen? Is the material cohesive? Is there audible evolution within the music? You know, […]Read More
Horizonte Lied – Memorias De Crónicas Futuras – Album Review It’s not too often that you’ll find me reviewing records that are twenty years old, unless it’s these guys. Not only was Horizonte Lied’s Memorias De Crónicas Futuras released way back in 2003 originally, but you could make a healthy argument that at that point, […]Read More