Black Hebrew – “Jenn”

Black Hebrew – “Jenn” – Single Review
We’re playing by the rules this Valentine’s Day…we’ll start this special date off with a love-filled track for ya. Someone out there give this soulful talent the green light! Black Hebrew has got it goin’ on when it comes to his vocals & flow, bringing style to the mic & a classic R&B approach that’s time-tested & true.
The Ajani Music label had the confidence in Black Hebrew to step-up to the plate and assist this dude in hitting a homerun with his latest single “Jenn” – so it turns out, the man’s already got his green light and the support of a label that is clearly ready to make some moves in 2019. In a world filled with good singers that can hold their own, it can be tough for R&B artists to not get lost in the shuffle unless they’ve really got that something special; Ajani Music has made a smart move in partnering up with Black Hebrew in an effort to get this music out there where it belongs…he’s got that magic on the mic. I’ll put it to you this way – there ain’t no doubt about the single-worthy potential of a song like “Jenn” or the star quality of a man like Black Hebrew that has all the slick & sweet hooks your ears can handle. As far as my own ears are concerned, I hear every reason to believe Ajani Music has a real winner with Black Hebrew and a champion to lead the way for their label – you can hear this guy is truly invested and committed to this performance and gives an inspired performance with authentic melody & real heart. Believe me, I’m sure we’ll all reach the same conclusion after listening to “Jenn” – Black Hebrew’s got his heart right on his sleeve here for all to see, confidently singing about & professing his love loud’n’proud.
You won’t get a complaint from me about “Jenn” – the execution here from production to performance is all spot-on the money. Lyrically, it’s completely sound; not only is “Jenn” a beautifully described tale of love discovered right there at the workplace, from an employee’s perspective to his own boss – I’m impressed at how sincere these words all came out, and that’s largely due to Black Hebrew saying things how he’d actually say them. Whereas songwriters break their minds over finding the perfect words and come off sounding pretentious, when a song comes from the heart, the right words seem to just flow out. That doesn’t mean there can’t be a tweak here & there along the way, but the point is, you feel that natural flow occurring from beginning to end, because the artist or band – Black Hebrew in this circumstance – ends up locked right into the moment and those lyrics just start pouring out. Precision & professionalism is on the menu here today though folks, make no mistake – “Jenn” is refined & ready to roll onto playlists all over the globe. Black Hebrew’s done an exceptional job of putting the soul & punch into the rhythm & melody of this entire song, maximizing the potential of the chorus hooks with a quick flow that keeps the sweetness coming at ya full speed. Going back to that employee/boss relationship theme – I think another seriously remarkable part of the songwriting here is that this tale of love found in the workplace, unrequited for now as it may be, is professional, respectful, and powerfully sincere in the attitude towards moving this love from afar to a much more close & intimate setting. Essentially, whoever “Jenn” is out there, she’s got the love of her lifetime right there in front of her – all she has to do is open her eyes and see it…but there’s no question about the devotion that already exists on Black Hebrew’s side of this story. I think just about everyone out there can relate to crushing on someone – and I think that listeners out there will truly hear the love in Black Hebrew’s voice when singing about his feelings for “Jenn” – I honestly don’t think anyone could miss it.
Enthusiastic thumbs-up from me in support of this single – from the lead to the backing vocals, Black Hebrew has put in a performance that’s perfectly locked right into the rhythm & vibe, the music itself is vibrant, the writing & hooks are bulletproof…you honestly couldn’t ask for more in the end results here. “Jenn” would clearly be lucky to have him, Black Hebrew’s definitely got his heart in the right place and his mind made up on the woman he wants to love in this lifetime…”so Jenn hear what I’m saying!”
Beautifully written, flawlessly performed – “Jenn” is soulful, fun, & full of love from beginning to end.
Find out more about Black Hebrew and Ajani Music from the official pages below!
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