Birds Over Arkansas – “So Much Sky”
Birds Over Arkansas – “So Much Sky” – Single Review
It would be impossible not to be enthusiastically drooling from the corners of the mouth knowing that Birds Over Arkansas are back with a brand-new single after releasing one of the most stunning singles I’ve ever heard in MY ENTIRE LIFE with their last one called “Forgotten Lights.” We’ve been following this band even longer than that…they put out a stunning EP called Behind The Lights and have impressed these ears of mine every chance they’ve had to do so. I won’t lie to you…I feel like they’ve set the bar incredibly high for themselves with that last incredible single…”Forgotten Lights” transcended just listening to ‘another song’ and straight into an unforgettable moment in time that had the power and melody to speak to the heart directly & make an impact that will stay with you for the rest of time. How many songs like that can one band or artist write in one lifetime? It’s almost impossible to not compare new-material to the old…and it’s in saying that, that for the first time I can remember…I’m actually a little anxious and nervous about how “So Much Sky” might sound! Can they pull off that incredible, audible-magic in their music once again? I have no reason to believe they can’t…but credit to a great song, “Forgotten Lights” has given them a mountain to climb post-release.
“So Much Sky” does their catalog of tunes complete justice…it’s a solid addition that features their signature complex timing with their insightful ability to write melodies in a way that is accessible to all. That’s a rare gift worth noting people…complexity in music isn’t something that can usually be disguised as anything else…there’s a ton of music out there that requires incredible musicianship like on “So Much Sky” that can’t help but sound too progressive for most at the end of the day. Birds Over Arkansas have a natural talent for making the complex seem simplified…the way their melodies hug you like a comforting friend and always have a way of sounding incredibly inviting to the ear. This new single is certainly no exception – “So Much Sky” once again hits the mark of genuine sincerity that truly connects to us as a listening audience. The instrumentation and writing sparkle and shine…the vocals sound starkly beautiful and bold…the structure is impressive and the melody builds wonderfully. I’ve always liked this blend of seriousness in the emotion and light-rock atmosphere and Birds Over Arkansas have a real way of writing in this vein that feels like it runs right through your own.
They use a very interesting sound to start the song…like a scratching almost…not a record, but something else…and it comes back at moments throughout the song adding to the percussion and atmosphere of “So Much Sky” – I have no idea what it is, but I love the sound of it. Everything swirls and blends together majestically on “So Much Sky” from the guitars to the drums to the mandolin…the vocals and background harmonies have Birds Over Arkansas sounding arguably better than ever on the microphone on this new single. Both the male & female vocals complement each other’s voice stunningly…strong enough on their own, but built of sheer-steel when singing together. The bass carries the beat and timing perfectly with the drums impressively throughout the transitions, timing-switches and different parts of the song. The pre-chorus bridge sounds spectacular – it’s a real highlight in the song for me each time it comes around; and I love the way the drums come back with real punch & energy in the chorus to raise it to that next-level. Guarantee you’ll all hear what I’m hearing and have to agree; when you listen from afar, it’s a fantastic melody you can easily accept, follow and sing along with…but when you get into this one real close, you’ll hear just how much work, effort, professionalism and precision it would take to get all these individual pieces to combine together as extraordinarily as they do. Birds Over Arkansas continue to outshine the rest out there in the independent music-scene with real dedication to their vision, sound and writing…when they release a song, it’s clearly identifiable to them and carries their signature style because they truly do put the work in to have a consistency in the quality, tone, writing and ambition. They bring their ideas to life as boldly as they do because they are truly dedicated musicians all working towards shared goals and unified through the music they make in Birds Over Arkansas…and that tightness…that togetherness…that unity…I really think that’s something you can hear in this band and certainly on “So Much Sky.” Loved the powerful emotion you can hear in both the vocals and music of this band on this new song…you can hear that music isn’t just something they mess around with – every one of these players is right in the moment, focused and bringing their best to each performance and every part they play. I think the extra care they take with their composition and musicianship sets this band apart from the rest out there – music is important to the members of Birds Over Arkansas…and I really believe that’s something you can truly hear in the beautiful songs this band creates and certainly here on their new-single “So Much Sky” – I loved it, you will too.
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