Best New Sound 2019 Nomination – Day 7: Forest Robots

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
The SBS contest for 2019’s BEST NEW SOUND gets underway officially on Dec. 18th this year! Nominations are rolling out in no particular order between Dec. 6th – Dec. 15th, then we give all the artists/bands a couple days to rally the troops to come out and VOTE for their favorites from Dec. 18th, all the way up to midnight on Dec. 31st. We’ll have all the details posted up for you on how to vote, where and when, once the nominations have all been announced online.
Until then, join us in congratulating our Day 7 nominee – none other than Forest Robots, a project where sincerity and sonic excellence reigns supreme. A true fusion between the digital world and the beauty in nature, the album Times When I Know You’ll Watch The Sky was a master-class in stunningly subtle electro-ambient awesomeness that featured incredibly down-to-earth atmospheres, textures, and songs we couldn’t get enough of. From the professional sound to the precision approach that highlighted the passion & penchant for discovering organic beauty within the digital realm, Forest Robots put out an emotionally compelling record filled with moments to remember, and completely deserves a spot in this year’s top 10 for an immaculate set of dreamy songs and heartfelt ideas leading this project to decisively stellar results in 2019.