Basement Prophet – “Die Abrechnung”

Basement Prophet – “Die Abrechnung” – Music Video Post
Ayyyyy – we’ve basically been goin’ international on our pages today, so why not post up a kickass German rapper like Basement Prophet while we’re at it? Music is the universal language anyhow, as they say, is it not? Well trust me when I tell ya, it’s artists like this dude that’ll prove that’s the case.
This man completely understands how to bring serious style to the game – look at his threads, look at the slick filming on the video – look at the fact he’s poured himself a PHAT glass of WINE before he even started rapping onscreen for his new single “Die Abrechnung” for cryin’ out loud! It’s all about priorities, right? You get the sense that Basement Prophet ain’t about to do fuck all without his glass of wine first! And by glass, I’m being generous with the description – that’s practically a BOWL full of wine, because Basement Prophet is clearly livin’ LARGE y’all. No doubt about the man’s skills though…dude’s got talent to go with all the stylistic vibes we see in his video and hear in the music he’s rapping on – I might not have a clue what he’s rappin’ about with “Die Abrechnung” being in German & all, but I know what sounds good & I know what real commitment sounds like too. Basement Prophet has got all the right ingredients to make an impact on ya whether or not you speak German – the man pivots and shifts with the beat and uses real precision & personality to make a memorable impression. Tossin’ roses onto what we have to assume is a grave of some sort as he raps – the burning sword, the flares, and the middle finger raised up high…these are all supremely badass visuals to have included on a video that’s likely to make as much of an impact as the song itself does – and that’s exactly the combination you wanna find in a great single, is it not? Basement Prophet’s got great energy and commands the mic on this cut in a way that we can all truly appreciate – and considering he’s racking up major hits on “Die Abrechnung” already since its release & this video has now made it all the way to our Canadian-based pages…you gotta figure that this artist is having no problem whatsoever going global with his music, and that this definitely won’t be the last time we hear from him. I’m stoked to hear this track come out as strong as it does, and on a visual level, I think Basement Prophet completely crushed it on his new video.
Find out more about Basement Prophet from the official links below!
Mastiff Records Website:
Magical Multi-Link:
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