B. Hughes – “G.Y.S.T.” Feat. Durag B

B. Hughes – “G.Y.S.T.” Feat. Durag B – Single Review
I have always been a firm believer that music will find you at the times you need it most, and speak to you in ways that nothing else can. Try it out one day…when you’re lost and the battle ahead seems like it’s gonna be too much…have a listen to the music that starts to play around you, and recognize how there’s something else out there guiding you to where you need to go next, dropping audible hints for ya like breadcrumbs on a trail to bring you home. And if you’re lucky, you’ll “G.Y.S.T.” in time to make a difference. Those that know me well, or those precious few of you that read these pages of ours, have probably clued into the fact that I’ve been sittin’ on the edge of destruction just tryin’ to bounce back.
So yep…I need to G.M.S.T. – and chances are, there’s a few of you out there that need to “G.Y.S.T.” too. We all do at some point, don’t we? Ain’t that how this whole life thing works? I sure hope so.
I’m inspired by artists like B. Hughes that have the courage to follow their dreams, put in the work, and use their talents for a greater good…that’s what “G.Y.S.T.” is really all about – it’s the true blueprint to reaching the better days you’re seeking out. Obviously it’s gonna help if you’re in tune with what your skills and passion combined can do & you’ve got some stellar talent like Hughes, or Brandon Christian – aka Durag B – but the real point is, we’ve all got something unique inside us just waiting to get out there into the world…just gotta tap into it. Like Hughes will tell ya throughout the lyrics of “G.Y.S.T.” – which is an acronym/call to GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER – timing plays a role too…there are things that we all gotta get through before we reach the heights of our destiny awaiting us…but keep goin’ – because it DOES exist, and you WILL get there if you’re following the signs, puttin’ in the work, and ready for the moment where your own talents meet opportunity. No one said it’s gonna be easy…no one said it’s gonna happen overnight…you are gonna have those moments where you are “sick of waiting” – but in time, “you can see the outcome of hard work and dedication” – and that’s what’s real y’all…that’s truth.
While the philosophical aspect and self-reflective approach to this single is certainly one of its biggest draws – let’s be real here…it’s not like others out there haven’t tried to take a similar idea or approach & make it work – it just rarely, if ever, sounds THIS great in the final results. And this is what I’m tellin’ ya – it’s not just about the talent, but about the timing as well…maybe B. Hughes and Durag B could have made this cut a couple years earlier and it would have been good…or maybe, just maybe, they were meant to make it right now, as they surge towards their goals and dreams at a time in life where they’re focused, committed, ready, and willing to make the moves required to reach REAL success by their own definition. “G.Y.S.T.” isn’t just a good song y’all – it’s genuinely a great one – and in my opinion, what makes it as stellar as it is from start to finish is entirely because these two guys are locked right into the moment and feeling the full strength of the vibe & idea at work on this cut. As in, it’s more than a philosophy at this point – they know that to “G.Y.S.T.” is the ONLY way forward – and they’re at a point now where they’re ready to prove that and lead by example. They sound spectacular as a result of how engaged they are with the meaning behind the lyricism, the tone of the music and the vibe of the song – everything fits, because this IS what it sounds like when you find your way to where you’re truly meant to be. Beyond being able to hear it through the down-to-earth point of view & insightful observations of B. Hughes, and the stunningly soulful tones of Durag B in the hooks – you can visually see what this very moment means to both of them as you watch the video for “G.Y.S.T.” onscreen. They’re grateful, they’re thankful, and they know this is their time to shine for all the work they’ve put into the grind to get to where they are today…and they should be extremely proud of the results they’ve achieved. This track is as inspiring as it is entertaining…it’s as meaningful & motivational as music can be if you’re really listening to it…and like the real leaders they are and they’ve been capable of being all along – they’ve now harnessed the power to pass on what they’ve learned to the rest of us in the most humble of ways.
A hybrid combination of Conscious Hip-Hop/R&B at its absolute finest – these two sound absolutely fantastic together…and the entire reason that is, is because this all truly means something to them – more importantly, they know that it can mean something to YOU too…and I can promise ya that it will. “G.Y.S.T.” is an award-worthy combination of stylistic sound & skill, meaningful messages, and sincerity that can’t be denied – B. Hughes and Durag B have got a single here that no one should miss out on this year, and in the process of creating it, provide an authentic example of how to turn dreams into reality.
Find out more about B. Hughes at this multi-link here: https://songwhip.com/b-hughes/gyst2022
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