Avi Jacob – “Pickup Truck”

Avi Jacob – “Pickup Truck” – Single Review
Alright…here’s what I don’t expect at any given point in time; to like a song with a title calling it “Pickup Truck.” Instantly picturing tailgate-parties and redneck family-reunions…I was more than pleasantly surprised that Avi Jacob was nothing at all like I’d imagined he’d sound on his new single “Pickup Truck” – there are no Kid Rock or Van Halen or Skynard sounds here at all!
And it’s due to that fact…and also I suppose to the fact that Jacob has written an incredible song here that “Pickup Truck” gets more than a passing-grade from me; this is a truly magical tune that he’s discovered here…and he sings it to you like he’s letting you in personally on an intimate-secret that only you alone get to know. Very beautiful song that Avi has written…much like you’d hear in the sincerity of bands like Alt-J, Mimicking Birds, The Head And The Heart or solo-artists like Damien Rice – it’s his soft-approach and gentle melodic-tones that make this song a complete winner. The lyrics drift between a melancholy that sits between bearable and then pretty damn sad; an apology more or less to his father…or at least we’d assume – it’s either an extremely personal tale or a brilliantly written tale nonetheless. If there is truth to this story and it is based from personal experience…then this is that song you write and then realize just how extremely hard it can be to go out there and sing songs this emotional night after night.
That being said…many of the lyrics reflect an attitude that is searching for that penance and punishment for decisions made in the past of Jacob’s life. The sincerity of the emotion he attaches to the words as he sings them will break your freakin’ heart – it’s clear that we have a very gifted songwriter here in Avi Jacob – the imagery he presents through the words of “Pickup Truck” are written so that you feel every word right in the pit of your stomach. If the story is true…if the emotions and atmosphere that runs heavily through this track is anywhere near true…you’ll feel for Jacob and the excruciating way that he has described his regret, loss and personal tragedy. And if it’s not true…I’d be amazed; it’s rare to get this kind of authentic sound without genuine personal attachment to the subject of the song.
With the canvas of a beautiful acoustic folk-sound…the captivating way that “Pickup Truck” is performed and recorded pulls you right in. The delicate and tender sounds nearly fool you with their pleasant sounds…but listening to the words reveals the real pain the emotions of the song are based in. The toughest thing to hear in it all is Jacob’s realism in the situation at hand…he’s not searching for forgiveness so much as wishing there was a price he could pay that would set it all right once again. Slowly building with drums, piano, backup vocals and perhaps an accordion maybe even…not too sure on that last one…but the rise of the song builds along with the storm of emotions Jacob has lived through in the song’s narrative perfectly. Easily one of the most emotionally-connected songs I’ve heard in a long time – Jacob has produced a bold track here – one that could certainly have him recognized for this immaculate song-writing effort by critics and fans alike.
It certainly should – he’s done a tremendous job on “Pickup Truck.” From the words…doesn’t sound like he’s about to forgive himself for his past anytime soon…
…but a song like this truly indicates music with a very, very strong future. Amazing tune.
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