Avdrav – “Beautiful” / “First Sunset”

Avdrav – “Beautiful” / “First Sunset” – Singles Review
Now…of course I’m gonna get behind this…
You’ll always find me cheering on the experimental artists out there…and even more-so when it comes to digitalized or synthesized music…I suppose I just feel like there’s still a ton of unique terrain still to be mined within the Electro realm. You know, the kind of music that doesn’t always have to be filled with air-horns, but so often is. Anyhow…there are a plethora of incredible names from Aphex Twin to the Album Leaf, Boards Of Canada, and long beyond that aren’t in the game to make the next big radio hit, they’ve found a way to get to the heart in it, and Avdrav seems to be the kind of artist that fits right in with the organically artistic side of the digital world…”Beautiful” will reveal the sincerity in his sound. It’s an interesting cut to get a first impression of Avdrav – this is my own first time listening to his music, and I gotta say, “Beautiful” was a genuinely charming song. While the song is written from a first-person perspective, I’d reckon that “Beautiful” is meant more to serve YOU personally, as the mantra of your own daily soundtrack. Incidentally, as far as sounds-likes & similarities are concerned, you’ll find Avdrav more comparable to the music you’d find in Styrofoam or the Postal Service rather than the names I referenced earlier, at least in terms of tones and such. I think a lot of people out there will have no problem connecting with a track like “Beautiful” when it comes right down to it…it might take a spin or two for you to realize Avdrav isn’t singing about himself any more than he’s singing on your behalf, you know what I mean? Without context you could almost look at a song like “Beautiful” as self-involved, when it’s more intended to be like…an audible form of affirmations that are designed to recharge your soul. While on the first initial spin or two, I had no problem enjoying the gradual build of the song…on subsequent spins from there on, you’ll start to feel a bit of wear and tear in the beginning with it being about a minute & forty-five before the most significant moves begin to get made. In a way, I still think it’s effective even though that intro does become a bit lengthy…I feel like it really does a lot to enhance the impact that the vocals in this song make when they’re finally revealed to us. I’m with Avdrav on this one overall though, don’t get me wrong…if the whole world woke up each and every morning, and just made the simple change of their life be playing this song at the start of a day, this world would be totally different and unrecognizable from the state of disrepair it’s in today. “Beautiful” is the kind of song with the healing properties in it that can help patch things back together, or get us motivated to live out loud.
While I know absolutely nothing about Avdrav that I can concretely share with you at this time beyond a wealth of other singles I’d recommend checkin’ out from his Spotify page…what I can confirm, is that this dude is onto something special here. I don’t know that I, or even he really knows exactly what this could all lead to…yet…but I feel like over time, that’s gonna get clearer and clearer. I listen to a track like “First Sunset” and I’m like, that’s a slam dunk pretty much. I think there’s a charm to Avdrav’s music that helps it grow on you with repetition too, so it’s kind of like a one-two-punch combo…the initial hit lands squarely and gets our attention, the second reveals even more to appreciate. I very much like the fact that neither “Beautiful” or “First Sunset” are by no means any kind of typical tunes…there’s an enormous amount of uniqueness and identity in what Avdrav is creating, which is ultimately what’ll lead this dude to a loyal audience, and his longevity as an artist. Is “First Sunset” perfect? I don’t think I’d go quite that far…but it’s real close y’all. I think there are a few tones here and there that could come out with a bit more accessibility or a sound that’ll pair even better with the music perhaps…but don’t mistake an observation for any kind of complaint. I’d take “First Sunset” as it stands right now without hesitation; if this is the way that it comes and this is the finalized version, you betcha, I’m still listening to it. The music is simply stunning on this song, straight up…and about 85% of the vocals are a perfect fit. There are a lot of bands & artists out there like Styrofoam and like Postal Service that, when they play something in just the right way, things couldn’t sound any better, more authentic, or sincere – and Avdrav displays a ton of that same magic throughout the course of “First Sunset.” Conceptually, and vibe wise, “First Sunset” is mesmerizing to listen to…and with a bit of polish here & there, I think Avdrav has got an absolutely stellar song that’ll reach the hearts and minds of everyone around the globe. I think the best advice I’ve got, is that in spots like we hear in between the second & third minute, we still hear a bit of that newness to Avdrav…and we wanna hear that confidence in the melody & his material, because he’s got every reason to believe in BOTH. To be completely fair to the guy, these singles did come out originally two years ago online, and there’s plenty of new ones that just got released this year – so you never know until you listen, but I’d imagine an artist like Avdrav will always continue to evolve throughout the years. What he hear in “Beautiful” and “First Sunset” would certainly have encouraged me to keep going, and I’m glad to see that Avdrav did exactly that…this dude’s got talent for this whole music-makin’ thing…I have the feeling he’ll go on to impress us even more with more time & experience.
As it stands, this is an undeniably great introduction to Avdrav’s signature style, and songs that are a solid start to his career. They might be earlier tracks in the grand scheme of things, but they’re songs that prove he’s always had the magic of music within him, and a strong indication that following his own unique perspective will lead him right to victory.
Find Avdrav at Apple Music here: https://music.apple.com/si/artist/avdrav/1500207773
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