Have a look at the rad new video put together for Brian Fitzy’s latest single “Play God” – but more importantly, have a real close listen to these words! The multi-talented Fitzy delivers big-time with a socially-woke track that’s bound to speak to the people out there through the chilled out vibe and smooth sound […]Read More
Nate Utley – Infinite Potential – EP Review Dig the beard on this guy! All music aside for a brief moment, one bearded-brother to another, game gotta respect game you know what I’m sayin’? This guy grows a thick face bush! Nice work Nate. Anyhow…so…we’ve got Infinite Potential here eh? I’d say that’s pretty damn […]Read More
Check out the latest cut from Delilah Latina Princess called “Bondage” and step into a world that knows no limitations to the wild expressions of sexuality. “Bondage” is actually considered to be a short film just as much as it is a music-video, so get ready to grab your popcorn and take this all in. […]Read More
Hayley Lam – “Being Alive” – Single Review You know…I honestly don’t know exactly what I was expecting with the music of Hayley Lam…but I can sure tell you what came through my speakers moments after pressing play felt like an extraordinary surprise. Perhaps I was caught judging a book by its cover for a […]Read More
Kozie – “Fly”/”Life’s A Bitch” – Singles Review I’m positive that other music-reviewers like myself must go through similar moments. For those of us that are continuously listening to tunes day & night…not gonna lie to you…even as much as I personally enjoy it, after the years start to pass, sometimes you just want to […]Read More
Nobody “Saucein” like this yo! Check out the eye-poppin’ new video from Young Chitown for his single called “Saucein” below – it’s designed for maximum entertainment. Shot like a great rap video should be, in the studio and in the club – it’s directed, shot & edited perfectly by DJMalonePro. You can find this latest […]Read More
A brand-new channel out there for those that love to dance, or even for those that just like to watch dancing onscreen, this one’s for you! Dance Video Songs features talented free-style & free-spirited professional dance performances to popular songs in all cultures. The channel is just getting going through its first postings – new […]Read More
Channel K – Super Queen – EP Review Alrighty then! I like stuff like this…a different side of rock. Channel K, based out of Houston, sounds like they burst onto the scene last year and have been found onstage playing live all over the place as they readied the material for their now-released Super Queen […]Read More
This homie’s just looking to catch a meal – and who out there can blame him for that? Check out the latest cut from Neezy Noe’s recent release, the Unknown EP, through the video for the lead-single “For Real.” Solid video + solid flow + solid beat & low-end = perfect vibe for your summer […]Read More
Copus – “We All Bleed Red” – Single Review And the message read simply: “Greetings! We are Copus from San Francisco CA. Copus is an acronym for Creation Of Peace Under Stars” – that was all it took for me to be interested in what I might hear from this new four-piece band…I dig that […]Read More