386 Private – “I’m Gymnasting”

I prettttttttttttttty much get out of bed every morning looking for something like this.
With so many different avenues, styles, and sounds available at our creative disposal, I gotta admit, it’s almost bizarre not to hear too many tunes willing to courageously color outside the lines. Know what I mean? Sure we hear variations of Rock, Pop, Metal, Rap, Electro, etc. etc. – and I’d be the last to ever say “it’s all been done” – but to an extent, it can often be like living a different version of the same day.
And then something like 386 Private will come along and restore my faith in imagination & innovation.
Little is known about 386 Private at this time…other than the fact I’d have no problemo at all listening to a single like “I’m Gymnasting” every day of the week & twice on Sundays. The debut single – what I can tell ya for sure after listening to “I’m Gymnasting” is that I personally hear every reason a project like this should carry on; artistic projects like this can take time to catch on, but they end up with one extremely loyal and devout fan-base as a result of creating such enticing & compelling uniqueness.
When it comes to this new single “I’m Gymnasting,” 386 Private is daring, exciting, and artistic in all the right ways that stand out. Brilliantly performed in spoken-word, everything from the accent in the vocals to the slick & smooth sound of the music that comes along with it…I mean…it’s ALL interesting & enticing, and with its clever lyricism & inspired artistic design…your ears recognize the sound of something that’s remarkably different, and entirely inviting. Through its stream of consciousness style of communication and stand-out lyrics that combine smart imagery with colorful commentary – what 386 Private has created with “I’m Gymnasting” is a freakin’ celebration of art & music in a highly poetic form that reveals the wonderful potential in a whole new avenue of sound that so seldom gets used. At the very least, even if you find something comparable to what you’ll hear in 386 Private’s new single, I can still promise ya, you probably haven’t heard it done quite as thought-provoking & fun as what you’ll hear on “I’m Gymnasting.” This is the kind of uniqueness I cherish, because it’s daring; 386 Private isn’t attempting to walk the path that everyone else has set in music beforehand – this is a project with the potential, talent, and capability to blaze a completely new trail for others to follow. I love what I’m hearing, and I love what I’m seeing in the spectacular colors and scenes of the new video – and all-in-all, 386 Private certainly earned my respect by going the road less traveled in the humble pursuit of true art.
Stay tuned for more music by 386 Private by checking out the official YouTube channel right here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1ZOHZVemYwkG_G4bYeMeiw
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