2000 Reviews!

Endless thank-yous to you all. 2000 Reviews!!!
When this whole thing started nearly seven years ago, we weren’t even writing reviews yet…we didn’t even really have a website. Like all things in life, SBS was built from the ground-up…piece by piece, bit by bit…and built to last. Every song, record, artist, band, fan, and follower has massively helped in making us who we are today. We appreciate you all in countless ways, and look forward to many more years of turning up your music in the future to follow.
Thanks to your unbelievable support, we’ve been able to feature independent music in a different light and do what we sincerely love at the same time. We’ve been able to create a community of artists & bands from all walks of life & skill-levels & experience tunes from beginners, to what easily rivals the mainstream…and we’ve been able to show the connection that runs between us all…how the music we both share & create, is truly universal and a huge part of what bonds us all together on this planet. We’ve enjoyed every second of hearing what you’ve come up with…the good, the bad, the bizarre, the inexplicable – every moment has been unique from the last…creativity like you’ll find in the independent music-scene is endlessly inspiring – you never know what you’ll find when you push play. It’s a feeling we’ve grown addicted to…and we’re more than comfortable with that. Because of each of you reading this very article right now – or any article we put out there, or show of ours that you watch, podcast you listen to…every thumbs-up & like & love you leave at Facebook or Twitter…we’re able to visibly SEE from our side of the screen that independent music matters to you all just as much as it does to us at sleepingbagstudios.
And we couldn’t be more grateful & thankful to be on this ride with you all, together.
Cheers to each & every one of YOU out there reading, listening, watching…all that…we love ya & couldn’t do what we do without ya…sincerely – THANK YOU!