Woven Green – “Lift It Up”

Woven Green – “Lift It Up” – Single Review
Ohhhhhhhhhhh how to explain Woven Green to you all…where does a dude start?
How about this…the effort they’ve clearly put into their new single “Lift It Up” and the passion they put on display certainly doesn’t warrant a negative review of any kind – but you gotta admit, when you dig right into what this duo is all about, it’d be pretty tough to be harshly critical on something this positive either! Woven Green is comprised of the talents of Jim & Ashley Cash, a husband & wife team that essentially fell madly in love years ago & have been happily making music ever since. Awwwwwwwww!
And here they are, still doing what they love, still clearly IN love, with a brand-new single.
So here’s where I’m at with “Lift It Up” – I definitely respect the sentiment, ambition, and execution – I think they’ve got a gorgeous song that intends to soothe the souls out there listening, and they’ve delivered it with 100% commitment – and my ears love that. I mean…I’ve read their bio…they’re incredibly well educated and they know a ton of stuff about a ton of things – and while it might be more than a full country mile away from anything I personally know anything about from yoga to shamanism & all that…well…I suppose on many levels, it’s arbitrary what fuels the inspiration in any of us anyhow; as a listener, I just want to hear that the material truly matters to the artists & bands I listen to. You can tell that the music they make and share between them, means the absolute world to them both – when it comes to “Lift It Up” – I gotta say, Woven Green displays an astounding level of unity, commitment, heart, and confidence. Does the insatiably-positive lyricism & aura floating so dreamily & powerfully through “Lift It Up” raise the Grunge-Rock alarm I’ve got inside me internally, warning me that this is far much more uplifting than the music I typically listen to? Of course! Red-alert, loud alarms here on that front…there’s no doubt that we come from different worlds of sound; but I suppose being a bit older & a lot less angsty now…I’ve come to learn to push past those internal alarms & allow a song like this in.
Because there’s an immeasurable benefit to the soul to experience music of all kinds…that’s not something I’d need to explain to Woven Green, they obviously get that – and the theory definitely applies here! I ain’t gonna lie – it is a LOT of positivity and love to find inside of one song…but when you consider that’s the niche that Jim & Ashley are carving out for themselves in the music-scene, you have to recognize they’ve completely achieved what they’ve set out to accomplish with making a song like “Lift It Up.” Ashley’s got a stunning voice…full of bold, colorful, vibrant tones that carry the strength of her convictions & beliefs inside of every note she sings. Jim’s guitar and backing vocals are equally essential to this tune, adding layers of sweet charm & charisma to the music, quite often with a mystical & curious melody attached to it & a gentle acoustic sound that’s born of a confident hand, steady & ready to really play that instrument of his to its max potential. The lyrics are relentlessly coated with shining positivity – again, it’d be hard to hate on a song with such pure intentions…Woven Green sings about peace, love, harmony…you get the idea – but give them some real credit, because in every note they play & sing, you can hear they truly believe in these values beyond the shadow of a doubt. I don’t necessarily know for sure that the positive vibes are going to penetrate every mind & set of ears out there…or if that would even be a realistic goal for their intentions at all…I get the feeling that Jim & Ashley are more than happy with anyone out there that responds to the music they create and the messages they’re putting out there into the world. If you hear the call, if you hear the message, and what Woven Green makes moves you – I’m sure they’ll find room on their bandwagon for you to climb aboard and happily take a ride on this music-filled adventure with them.
Perhaps most impressive to me, beyond all things, was just how stoic this single and band really is…that in a world full of conflicting thoughts and emotions, Woven Green continues to stay the course and not relent in their positive pursuits and so willingly giving themselves, their time, and their talents, to make this world a better place for us all. Everyone should appreciate such a selfless couple with such admirable attributes – their love for music, and for each other, radiates beautifully through the music they make so harmoniously together. They’re there to continually inspire each other – and that reminder of why they do what they do, and what they love about it all, is right in beside them, gazing back, each & every day.
We should all be so lucky.
Find out more about Woven Green from their official homepage at: https://www.wovengreenmusic.com
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