The SBS Top 10 Of 2024: #09 – t dot est & maga

The SBS Top 10 Of 2024: #09 – t dot est & maga – MAGICICADA
To be absolutely truthful, I still get chills when I listen to this record. Some collaborations can end up revealing a sum that totals up to be even greater than their amazing individual parts, and when the Experimental Electronic music of t dot est was combined with the extraordinarily exquisite & powerfully evocative voice of singer Malgorzata Buracka – aka maga – they created something extremely special & absolutely mesmerizing together on their MAGICICADA EP. While technically released the year prior in 2023, the stunning four track EP finally made its way onto our playlists this year, and I was genuinely blown away with the spellbinding results they achieved from beginning to end. From its delicately jazzy undertones, to the immaculate use of symbolism throughout its lyrics, to the captivating way their music and vocals joined forces in such an impressively seamless display, MAGICICADA showed us a profoundly insightful combination of truly artistic & visionary talents making music together as one extraordinary, unified entity. Join us in congratulating t dot est & maga for claiming spot #09 in this year’s quest for our Best New Sound!
Read our full review of the MAGICICADA EP by t dot est & maga by clicking here.
Find out more about t dot est from the official website at:
Find out more about maga at:
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