The SBS Top 10 Of 2024: #02 – Carl Anderson

The SBS Top 10 Of 2024: #02 – Carl Anderson – Heaven’s Door
While we are undoubtedly saddened by the news that this record is to be his last, at the very least, we know we heard his music, even if others didn’t. For the last FOUR YEARS straight, Carl Anderson’s music has found its way onto our top ten list of the year, and considering the guy has only ever made four albums, that’s genuinely saying something ain’t it? To say we’ve been impressed by his entire body of work would be the biggest understatement we could ever make – his music, including the spellbinding effort he put into his final album Heaven’s Door, has been nothing short of authentic, intriguing, and thrilling to listen to, every single time he’s put out something new. As consistently awesome as an artist could ever hope to be, Heaven’s Door continued his crossover craft and outstanding musicianship perfectly, and delivered a set-list of what is arguably the best work he’s ever produced. If you’re going out y’all, do it like Carl did, at the top of your game, leaving listeners stunned and speechless at the thought of this being the end when everything was going so perfectly right that nothing whatsoever could have been done any better. Each time he put out something new, he found a way to tweak it just enough to exceed any possible expectations we could have had, and pushed himself to a new level of greatness we could never have conceived of. Plus, the guy swings an axe like he’s freakin’ Paul Bunyan…so there’s that too! Join us in congratulating Carl on another job incredibly well done with the awe-inspiring material on Heaven’s Door to put him securely at the #02 spot on this year’s list for our Best New Sound, and thanking him for the last four years of absolutely amazing music that we will never, ever forget.
Read our full review on Heaven’s Door by Carl Anderson by clicking here.
You can get ALL of Carl Anderson’s music for free at his official page at Bandcamp here:
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