The SBS Top 10 Of 2022:  #09 – Jay Hung – The One

 The SBS Top 10 Of 2022:  #09 – Jay Hung – The One

The SBS Top 10 Of 2022:  #09 – Jay Hung – The One

With the release of his second record called The One, Jay Hung reinvigorated the Jazz genre with an entire set-list of songs that were nothing but completely innovative, inventive, and fully refreshing.  Not only does the man have an incredible amount of skill on the keyboards, but his outstanding level of creativity proved that his imaginative ideas in music could pull in people from every corner of the map, no matter what they normally listen to!  It was an unquestionable joy to listen to his technique, and the players that supported him on The One were absolutely fantastic as well – there’s no doubt that this was a record filled with breakthrough potential, and a lineup of songs that deserves real recognition.  Join us in congratulating Jay Hung for creating a new generation of Jazz fans in 2022 with The One!

Read the full review on Jay Hung’s new album The One at sleepingbagstudios by clicking here.



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