The Quest For The Best New Sound Of 2015 Begins Dec. 1st!

VERY excited about this year’s top-ten list. I know, I know…I was last year as well – but understand it’s just because the process itself is such a kickass way to bring this list to you each year…or rather, it has been for the last time we did this, and of course this one as well. So yeah! BOTH of these lists were amazing to make…and truthfully practically wrote themselves. A year in music…listening as often and as frequently as I do, is an extremely long time. It’s like taking the music the average person would listen to over the next 5-10 years and compressing it into one. To make that lasting impact necessary…it’s not the easiest thing in the world by any stretch of the imagination – and every one of the bands and artists that made my top-ten to pass onto you for the reader’s vote this year truly deserve the immense credit for making sounds and music that LAST. I continue to listen to each one of the nominated bands/artists records to this day, long past their reviews here at sleepingbagstudios…and even those that I don’t spin on an everyday or weekly basis – they’ve all created songs that now live continually in my head and heart. As a person that truly just wants to see artists grow and evolve…be the best they can be & all-that…I can’t tell you how proud I am personally of each and every person involved in the music that made this year’s list and I can’t wait to share it with you all.
SO! On that note…I know how this goes! A lot of people are going to be looking for information and getting ready to click-away in support of their favorite bands & artists…there’s promo-postings going up on our Facebook page daily with the listed nominees for this year being revealed each day – or check them out in video-form early for the list in-full in SBS Live This Week episodes 039 and 040. But with all that information going around combined with excitement…its bound to become confusing…so again, for anyone out there looking for the basic-gist of what’s up, when and where – keep on a-readin’!
The polls will open officially on Dec. 1st 2015 at 12am and stay open until Dec. 31st at midnight, allowing us to start our new year off in celebration of the Best New Sound we found in our year before. From each unique vote, 1 per day can be submitted to be counted towards their favourite artist/band – and we’ll make it real easy for you to do so, just like last year and you’ll find the form in our official Special Reports section on Dec. 1st when the voting begins. Each of these bands and artists put their hearts and souls into their records this year – and now it’s up to YOU to show them your support in return; a simple click or two will allow you to potentially assist your favourite music of our last year become recognized for its true awesomeness – so be there for them!
Best of luck to all of this year’s nominees for our upcoming SBS Reader’s Poll for Best New Sound of 2015!