Thank U Ottawa.

For anyone out there that follows these pages of ours, it’s that annual time of the year where I feel the need to express my thanks – so truly y’all, thank you for your support over these past ten years. Specifically, these past six have been incredible – SBS started out as a project where I had no clue what I was really doing, grasping at straws all the time, trying to get my friends involved, and aimlessly trying to find whatever modicum of success I could be comfortable with…but over these last six years in moving to Ottawa, I was lucky enough to figure out how to make this a permanent career in what became a temporary home. Honestly, it’s heartbreaking to even think of leaving this place – but in 24 hours time, that’s exactly what’ll be happening – I’ll be on the road, driving back to British Columbia on the west coast…back where I came from. Different city, different house, and much different circumstances of course – but yes – back to BC, where everything started. I am going to miss living here in Ottawa like you wouldn’t believe…this whole city is beyond beautiful, its people are among the best you’ll ever find, and the entire journey here over these past six years has provided the exact kind of clarity & inspiration I needed for the journey ahead. I’ll have this thing up & running in no time once I’ve made my way back home to BC – so don’t panic (I know ya aren’t!) – sleepingbagstudios is still very much in its infancy and has many, many years of incredible music to share with you ahead. For now…a much needed break from it all…a trip across this great place we call home to see the sights to be seen between Ottawa and Vancouver, spent driving through this awesomeness we know & love as Canada. I’m looking forward to the future, whatever it may hold…I know there will be writing, music, family, and friends…and the rest will take shape as it comes. For now, I just simply want to express my thanks to this remarkable city and all the wonderful people I’ve come to know within it – this trip has been a life-changer without question…and there’s no doubt in my mind whatsoever that I’ll return…because that’s what you do when you love something right? You cherish it, you remember & revere it, and eventually, you return to nurture that relationship you never realized you needed so very, very much. I’ll never forget a moment of this time here – and in many ways, I’m already looking forward to coming back, even before I’ve officially left. You’ll see me again Ottawa…you can’t keep me away.
Thank you everyone – I love ya, and I’ll see you on the other side of Canada this summer.
– Jer @ SBS