Zachary Campos – The Castle

Zachary Campos – The Castle – EP Review I know, I know, I know…I said in my last review of Zachary’s music that it would be the last one for a while…but we’ve got one more.  Word on the street is that he’s already hanging up the spurs before his career even had a chance […]Read More

Zachary Campos – “Trial”

Zachary Campos – “Trial” – Single Review As we arrive here at the final part of this latest chapter from Zachary Campos before he takes a hiatus to get back in the lab and really work on his craft, I think it’s important to remind the guy that for as many critical things as I’ve […]Read More

Zachary Campos – “Precision”

Zachary Campos – “Precision” – Single Review Because if there’s one thing I love, it’s the feeling of living in Groundhog Day. For real…isn’t this right where I left off prior to taking vacation this year?  What could have possibly changed in Zachary’s music in such a short amount of time?  I ain’t typing just […]Read More

Zachary Campos – Profound Knowledge

Zachary Campos – Profound Knowledge – EP Review Part of me was wondering if I’d be able to fit in one last review before I head out on vacation, but then I remembered I had this Zachary Campos EP and that I could find an extra five minutes to spare.  Dude ain’t exactly building his […]Read More

Zachary Campos – “Dope”

Zachary Campos – “Dope” – Single Review 15K views in 24 hours eh? If that’s the case, the last thing you’d ever need is my opinion!  I am one person.  One.  Singular.  Uno.  If you’ve got fifteen thousand people legitimately tuning into what you’re up to, you’ve already got all the confirmation you should require […]Read More

Zachary Campos – “Traffic”

Zachary Campos – “Traffic” – Single Review Ohhh Zachary…what are we to do with you my friend? Dude’s like one of those all-in-one vitamins in musical form.  You get everything you theoretically need, and not an ounce more.  It’s not like you’ll ever read the contents of the bottle and find out that they gave […]Read More

Zachary Campos – “Scorching”

Zachary Campos – “Scorching” – Single Review “I’m doing what I love to do so I’ve already won.”  #FairEnough!  #AsItShouldBe Okay.  So.  Zachary Campos is back in the mix here…word on the street is that he’s got a full album coming out, and we’ll be talking about another one of his singles later on this […]Read More

SBS Podcast 158

Hello 2024, it’s nice to meet you! Let’s crack the can open and get on into the New Year with a set-list of tunes well worth turning UP!  We’ll be playing tracks by Working Class Hussys, Pete Gustard, MELØ, SV Feat. Alyssa Jane, Palms Psalm, Mr. Johnny Bash, Firekind, Lady Chops And The Goddamn Jam, […]Read More

Zachary Campos – “Pain”

Zachary Campos – “Pain” – Single Review Alright…I’m gonna be real with ya…Zachary Campos might just rule the world one day. I don’t know that any of us know exactly what we’re dealing with…yet – and that might even include Zachary himself.  From what I can tell, this dude’s been rampaging the scene with like…way […]Read More