The Gangsta Rabbi – Excerpts La Symphonie Thrashe Du Professeur

The Gangsta Rabbi – Excerpts La Symphonie Thrashe Du Professeur Juif Rebele – Album Review It practically wouldn’t even count as a year here at SBS with The Gangsta Rabbi popping up at some point…I never exactly know when…but I’ve definitely learned to expect that, sooner or later, he’ll be back with another extremely massive […]Read More

The Gangsta Rabbi – The Gangsta Rabbi’s Thrash Opus –

The Gangsta Rabbi – The Gangsta Rabbi’s Thrash Opus – Year 1812 Fest. Overture In EbMAJ – Album Review You might find it odd to learn I expected The Gangsta Rabbi’s return this time around.  Every so often, when I get a spare minute or two…like the self-proclaimed Godfather of the independent music-scene I like […]Read More

The Gangsta Rabbi – Thick As A Brick / A

The Gangsta Rabbi – Thick As A Brick / A Passion Play – Album Review Daunting record to listen to, even on a visual level.  If you take a quick look at the wav-lines on The Gangsta Rabbi’s take on Jethro Tull’s Thick As A Brick / A Passion Play records, you’ll see there’s next […]Read More

The Gangsta Rabbi – Psycho At The Hospice Gates #34/72

The Gangsta Rabbi – Psycho At The Hospice Gates #34/72 – Album Review I’ll let the man in charge here explain this one in his own words to start… “I continue to seek my sound in my last days.  I want this to be anarchopunk with a big ass lower brass section to provide so-called […]Read More

The Gangsta Rabbi – 2nd King Of JEWISH PUNK #31/69

The Gangsta Rabbi – 2nd King Of JEWISH PUNK #31/69 – Album Review For those just tuning into the story/music/life of Steve Lieberman, aka The Gangsta Rabbi, allow me to catch you up quickly for context…there are a few details to be known before listening and a couple new details about this artist in-general.  Steve […]Read More

The Gangsta Rabbi – The King Of Jewish Punk #30

The Gangsta Rabbi – The King Of Jewish Punk #30 & #68 – Album Review The Gangsta Rabbi is all the proof you need that some people truly want to be heard.  How each person chooses to go about that pursuit as a musician is of course an individual thing…there are many approaches…and if you […]Read More

The Gangsta Rabbi – The Gangsta Rabbi’s Tommy

The Gangsta Rabbi – The Gangsta Rabbi’s Tommy – Album Review Perhaps any press is good press…I’m sure we’re all familiar with the notion that this is the case.  This is the third appearance of The Gangsta Rabbi at our pages here…yet so far there’s only been one approach in the music, and one possible […]Read More

The Gangsta Rabbi – Quadrophenia

The Gangsta Rabbi – Quadrophenia – Album Review The last interaction we had with The Gangsta Rabbi was one that uncovered a lot of truth.  Steve Lieberman, the brainchild behind the music, also revealed that he’d been diagnosed with terminal Leukemia…and though that’s certainly tragic – he also revealed the strength he possesses when it […]Read More

The Gangsta Rabbi – Terminator V617F

The Gangsta Rabbi – Terminator V617F – Album Review Well…it’s not every day that you stumble across something that sounds like this does! Answering the long-standing question of ‘what do Rabbi’s do after we’ve all gone to bed’ – The Gangsta Rabbi is here to show you in-full just how crazy and bizarre it can […]Read More