
I’d have to line up the text side-by-side to see who really went on longer during this interview. HOW AWESOME IS THAT? I’ll fill that blank in for ya – EXTREMELY! I’d like to introduce you to Jesse from CitySpeak – a one man army of electro and a truly dedicated and passionate fan of all things music. […]Read More

SBS Live This Week Original Series 061

Find pictures of Aztec from sleepingbagstudios at the links below! Album #0042: Album #0053: Album #0080: Album #0090: Album #0119: More


It would be very easy to tell if someone had really listened to the music of Stalin. What could easily be dismissed as shock-rock actually exists on a plain that’s more in a style that’s aggressive – but fair. Intelligent – but pointed and certain. One thing that is for absolute certain – Stalin is no stranger to […]Read More

Swan Beppin

Swan Beppin of Songfugl fra Sommersted This was all kinds of awesome. Answering my questions today is Swan Beppin of the band Songfugl fra Sommersted. All the way from her current base camp in Asia I am literally blown away by the amount of history she shares here through this interview. She’s been a musician since 1967 […]Read More

The Other Colors

It never ceases to amaze me. The amount of impact music and artists from around the globe can have on my life is astounding; this band The Other Colors in our interview today is no exception to that. Coming to us all the way from France, this duo consisting of Marie Möör and Laurent Chambert have […]Read More