Jo Potter – Rocks

Jo Potter – Rocks – EP Review Ahhh you gotta love it.  The last time I reviewed Jo’s music, I talked about the risk of having songs appear twice on one record when she added in three acoustic versions of tunes she had in the lineup of her album called Tonight.  I’ve always been the […]Read More

Jo Potter – Tonight

Jo Potter – Tonight – Album Review How am I this consistently behind the rest of the world these days?  Back in 2017, when I first reviewed Jo Potter’s music on her album Saved, that record had already been out for NINE YEARS!  And here I am doing it all over again…I’m here busy listening […]Read More

Jo Potter – Saved

Jo Potter – Saved – Album Review There we go…that’s what the ears are looking for…you can hear the authenticity, passion and charm in Jo Potter’s voice immediately as the title-track of her new album Saved starts up her new album.  Talk about smooth!  “Saved” comes out sounding sincere, powerful and emotionally compelling throughout its […]Read More