Skinny Cool Kid – No Risk

Skinny Cool Kid – No Risk – EP Review
At the outset of reviewing this new EP by Skinny Cool Kid from West Chester, PA – I was instantly welcomed into the warm country/blues-rock sound much of middle America is still well known for. Beginning with the track “Just Like Me,” I was also full of worry in writing this article. Throughout these pages of sleepingbagstudios it’s certainly well documented…the A.D.D. way in which I listen to music that is… I’m always looking for more of a NEW thing, not always pausing to appreciate more of a GOOD thing, like what we have here on the No Risk EP.
The first tracks of these latest reviews on our site have thrown me a bit – I must admit. “Just Like Me” is no exception to this run of late; it’s a good song to open with as the quality rises exponentially during the next tracks “All Over Creation” and the title track “No Risk” – ironically nestled safely in the middle of the EP. During “I Roll On,” Skinny Cool Kid takes a turn towards melodic country rock before returning to a blues-rock-rooted final track in “Beyond An Orange Sky,” leaving you feeling like you’ve gotten some highlights from this band…a top-five, if you will…
It’s an almost bizarre feeling for a journalist to approach a point where there are no words, but this No Risk EP is so well put together and perfect through its production, song-writing, and performance that there’s almost nothing to pick on whatsoever. You already heard my beef with the EP subtly in the intro paragraph anyway – I’d be the last to say that Skinny Cool Kid is breaking any new ground here; but they are doing something comfortable, something we all feel familiar with and pulling it all of perfectly.
And you know what? I’ve got to just learn to chill out anyways.
On my re-listens through the EP, you can clearly hear some of the classic influences from George Thorogood, Steppenwolf and Elvis Costello, to name some of the giants. Lead singer and overall project title “Skinny Cool Kid” seems to be able to drift easily into the spirit, feel and sound of Costello at any time he chooses. And again – he pulls it off perfectly as a backing band of pro-musicians continue to play flawlessly throughout these songs.
Seriously! COSTELLO. I’m telling you. Listen to “All Over Creation” and don’t you dare tell me I’m wrong…
No Risk is like a 5-song EP tribute to great country/blues-rock songwriting. Skinny Cool Kid is no fool – he can certainly READ; and through these pages he’d certainly realize that I’m on the fringe of this genre at the best of times. This is music outside of the norm for me in my never-ending quest for new sounds and sonic experiments to fit into my earholes…I suppose I could say that.
But also in truth – I listen to a track like “No Risk” and think to myself – this absolutely IS something I would want to reach for and hear in my collection. I’d like to hear it in anyone’s collection really, for that matter and especially if you’re a fan of that true Americana sound.
Skinny Cool Kid has done a great job in a short amount of time on this EP. No Risk is accurate; I wouldn’t expect anything less that superb quality from him now or in the future.
Check out his latest EP at Bandcamp:
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