SBS Reader’s Poll 1/4 Update!

 SBS Reader’s Poll 1/4 Update!

Alright! Here’s the math on how it’s going so far and where you’ve been directing your support for the amazing talent we’ve discovered throughout 2015 in the first quarter of the vote here in December – I think a few bands out there are going to be pretty surprised at the results so far!  Wake up those fans and rally the troops!  From what we can see – the extraordinary fans of Count The Thief truly deserve a HUGE amount of credit for turning out in droves to support their favourite band – they walked away with the first-quarter results handily!

But will it all STAY this way?  Will it change?  There are FIVE other nominees who have yet to crack the board officially – and there’s LOTS of time for things to change between now and the end of voting at midnight on Dec. 31st – make sure to cast your votes daily and let’s see you supporting the people that make the fantastic music you rock & groove to daily!

Currently leading the way….

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"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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