SBS Live This Week 194

 SBS Live This Week 194

You never know where you’re going to find us next!  We hit up an underground party back in 2023 deep in the downtown core of Vancouver, and it proved to be a night we’ll never forget.  Complete with three names on the bill, power outages, balloons, and a packed den of people dancing it up & moshing around, we were introduced to the live wire antics of Floating Faces for the very first time that night.  Sort of at least…this party was so packed with people, fog, and balloons we could barely see faces of any kind at all, never mind the Floating type!  Come and see what we kinda saw – and make sure to stick around for a bonus video from the recent tour of Soul Coughing from the Showbox in Seattle!

HEY YOU!  YES YOU!  You – the person reading this RIGHT NOW!  Instead of emailing us to find out how you could be the next up on our pages at sleepingbagstudios and waiting days for our response – just click here will ya!?!


"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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