SBS Live This Week 193

 SBS Live This Week 193

Ohhhh you just never know where we might show up next!  We hustled our way down to the Rickshaw in Vancouver last year to make sure we caught the Quicksand set, and in the process caught a couple of opening acts.  One we’ve already broadcast atcha, which was New Age Doom – and sandwiched in between them and Quicksand, was a band called Hotline TNT.  We got several songs on tape intentionally, and even got another with the phone put away squarely in the ol’ pocket unintentionally (that one will be audio-only…you’ll know which one, trust us) – come check out what we saw when Hotline TNT took the stage, and then make sure to stick around for a bonus song by ACTORS from their recent set at the Rickshaw earlier in 2024 on this episode of SBS Live This Week!

HEY YOU!  YES YOU!  You – the person reading this RIGHT NOW!  Instead of emailing us to find out how you could be the next up on our pages at sleepingbagstudios and waiting days for our response – just click here will ya!?!


"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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