SBS Live This Week 191

 SBS Live This Week 191

Oh hell yeah!  If you haven’t checked out New Age Doom yet, you have indeed been missing out.  We’d know, because we almost did ourselves as we had to navigate serious traffic on the way into Vancouver to catch’em live at The Rickshaw in an opening set from 2023.  Since then, we’ve gone on to see’em several times live…bought the digital stuff…bought the vinyl – we’re true fans of this ‘genre-less’ style of music they’re rockin’ and LOVE the underground scene they’ve been creating here in BC – so check’em out!  Stick around for a bonus cut from night two of Protomartyr opening up for IDLES in back-to-back shows earlier this year.

HEY YOU!  YES YOU!  You – the person reading this RIGHT NOW!  Instead of emailing us to find out how you could be the next up on our pages at sleepingbagstudios and waiting days for our response – just click here will ya!?!


"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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