SBS Best New Sound 2017 Nominations – Sam & The Black Seas

SBS Best New Sound Nominations
Day Two: Sam & The Black Seas
The stunning clarity and crystal-clear melodies found on the album Silver by Sam & The Black Seas were without a doubt, some of the best songs of 2017. Where most tender-tunes and slow-songs can often have a harder time getting heard, they made a memorable impact with timeless material that is bound to last. The three-piece from Milan, Italy, really took their time with the entire record and made sure that the entire artistic approach to the music on Silver came out spectacular to listen to…the work was clearly put in and a bold commitment was made to making this record come out as humble & sincere as it is bold & beautiful. Don’t let their gentle approach & sweetened folk-tale melodies make you think they took it easy – they polished every bit of Silver and the results came out shining. They absolutely earned a spot on this year’s top-1o list and I have a feeling they’ll be recognized by many more people out there when it comes time to hand the controls over to the fans for the upcoming reader-vote beginning Dec. 15th on our quest to determine the ultimate choice and consensus reached definitively between us all as to who the Best New Sound of 2017 really is!
Massive congratulations to Sam & The Black Seas for the incredible job they did on Silver, one of the genuine highlights of this year without question.
Check out my full thoughts on the album Silver by Sam & The Black Seas here:
And find out more about Sam & The Black Seas from their official homepage at: